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5 Best Practices for Providing Customer Self-Service with a Full-Service Feel

From banking to bill paying, self-service is the new norm. Consumers are increasingly being empowered to do almost anything themselves online, from checking prices to checking in at the airport. Where there’s a will, consumers want a way, and that includes procuring their own customer service.

In a report titled The Real Self-Service Economy, 40% of approximately 3,000 consumers in a global survey said they prefer self-service to human contact for their future contact with companies, and 70% expect a company website to include a self-service application.

This aligns with Forrester Research’s most recent North American Consumer Technographics Customer Life Cycle Survey that notes respondents are now using the self-service FAQ pages on a company’s website more often than speaking with an agent on the phone. According to the survey, self-service channel usage has increased from 67% in 2012 to 76% in 2014, while phone usage remains the same at 73% (Tweet this stat).


Help Me Help Myself


So how do you create a self-service experience that lives up to increasing online customer expectations? Because if you can find out online how many home runs Babe Ruth hit in 1927 or how many miles of internal telephone lines The Pentagon contains (68,000), you should also be able to quickly find out how to return running shoes, cancel a travel reservation, or troubleshoot problems with your laptop or appliances.

Search engines have also dramatically increased the demand for all types of self-service content. According to the Parature State of Multichannel Customer Service Survey, 84% of 1,000 consumers surveyed said they’ve used the search engines to try and find the answer to their customer service questions.


Delivering Self-Service with a Full-Service Feel


Is there a way to combine convenience with quality when it comes to self-service support? Here are five self-service best practices to consider:

1. Make Self-Service More Inviting. There’s nothing that will turn those looking for self-service convenience away faster than pages of disorganized hyperlinks and information to sort through. is an example of a brand that has created a convenient and inviting self-service support offering, putting the answers to its most frequently asked questions and most popular topics front and center, along with the name and friendly face of who’s helping to provide the answers at Ask.

2. Make Self-service an Option, but Not the Only One. As part of a knowledgebase or FAQ offering, give customers an easy way to ask a question if they can’t find the answer they’re looking for by adding a more personalized channel such as support ticketing/case management or live chat.

3. Deliver Consistent Content Across Channels and Platforms. Your self-service content is only as good as your customers’ ability to find it. Ensure your content is indexed for the search engines and available in as many alternative locations as possible, including social media and via a mobile-responsive support portal. According to a recent consumer survey, 75% of consumers think companies should make answers to all their common questions available via smartphones (Synthetix).

4. Never Be Content with Your Content. Generate consistent, fresh content and customers will look to you as a trusted resource, visit your site more often, and share your insights and information with others. Your search engine placement will benefit, as well, bringing more customers to your brand and your self-service offering.

5. There’s Always Room for Improvement. Though customers want to get their answer and go via self-service channels, as a brand, you need to know whether they got what they came for. Add a survey or feedback tool to ask if customers if they found the content provided helpful, and if not, let them answer why.  There’s always room for improvement.



Watch the Webinar: Self-Service Success
Give Customers the Answers they Need


When it comes to service and support, customers don’t long for conversation. They want answers at their convenience, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which emphasizes the need for greater and better self-service options to help drive:

• First Contact Resolution
• Employee Engagement
• Consistency of Information Across Channels
• Self-Service Deflection from High-Cost Channels
• And Greater Customer Satisfaction.


In a pre-recorded webinar, The Service Council’s Chief Customer Officer and industry analyst Sumair Dutta details the benefits and current statistics around self-service for customer service. Bill Patterson, Microsoft Senior Director of Customer Self-service Solutions explores the critical role of knowledge and portals in self-service efforts, as well as consistent engagement across channels.

nTelos Wireless Information Technology Project Manager Peter Friedenberg also joins the conversation to share the brand’s notable self-service success, along with best practices to drive self-service adoption and continued use. Don’t miss out on learning just how much an effective self-service offering can quickly improve your brand or organization’s customer service success. Join us for this complimentary thought leadership and best practices webinar.