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The 4 Funniest Tweets from Dreamforce 2015 (and 1 Awesome One)

Dreamforce 2015 is winding down, folks. Over the last four days, thousands of industry professionals spoke, listened, and learned together in venues all across downtown San Francisco.

But that’s not the whole story.

Along with attending sessions, networking, and visiting vendors, It looks like the attendees of Dreamforce 2015 have had themselves a pretty darn good time. Don’t believe me?

Check out this week’s top five tweets and judge for yourself.

1. Funny Tweet Number One

A ton of what we heard from Dreamforce 2015 was related to mobile, the cloud, and taking analytics with you everywhere you go. Dreamforce will likely live on in our memories, but to paraphrase Darth Vader: don’t “underestimate the power of the data side”… I’ll let myself out.

2. Funny Tweet Number Two

Masha might actually have a point here, folks. We live in a world of nigh-endless, cloud-based storage and that means you can pretty much keep everything you’d ever want to reference—but every slide? With great power comes great responsibility folks.

3. Funny Tweet Number Three

Even the keynote speakers weren’t safe from the revelry. Did anyone get a final tally? I think “amazing” might have actually edged out a win for most rapid-fire uses.

4. Funny Tweet Number Four

Pretty much everyone’s been raving about Stevie Wonder’s Dreamforce performance, but Bracket Labs’ Blakely Graham went one better by mentioning that MC Hammer was invited to the #DF15 Benefit Concert after party. If only the two had performed together. The result would have been 2 legit 2 quit. Then there was this stroke of sheer awesome, delivered to us by none other than Salesforce Chief Digital Evangelist Vala Afshar.

1. And the Just Plain Awesome One…

BOOM. Talk about impactful words! If you thought big data and analytics were important before, then get ready for a tidal wave of actionable new insights, delivered via the cloud, in real time, to wherever you might be. The era of powerful data is just beginning. Want to gauge your own impact?