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3 Tips for Maximizing Sales Productivity

There’s a big difference between putting up good numbers and operating a world class sales organization. To perform well you need to hire top talent, train reps well, and help them meet quotas. But if you want to perform at the highest levels, you’re going to have to do more. It’s time to transform your sales process from simple procedure to your competitive edge.

There are no easy fixes here, only incremental steps that combine to create expertise. In fact, what we’re talking about is sort of like competing in a Formula 1 racing event. You’re already at the wheel of a well-oiled machine made up of the right technology and backed by a team with the right skills. But if you’re going to cross the finish line first, you need to edge out the competition through constant reiteration and refinement. Here are three areas to focus on.

Check your alignment. It may sound like a simple car pun, but as the market changes around you, it’s important to adjust your sales focus in ways that maximize your potential for big results. This is less about what you sell than about how you’re selling it.

Analyze your process. Find areas in your sales cycle where potential buyers tend to fall off, and work on improvements for those weak spots. This could mean adding levels of personalization, offering more expert advice, or working harder to keep buyers engaged.

Adapt to changing conditions. Like rain on racing day, changes in buyer behavior can force you to choose between altering your course and losing your way. These shifts can be triggered by the adoption of new channels, trends, or economic pressure.

After the 2008 economic downturn, many sales organizations realized that they would have to work extra hard to meet their projections. By adding product-related insights and services to their strategies, these firms became more than vendors to their customers. They were trusted advisors and consultants, and therefore were much more likely to both meet their quotas and generate repeat business.

Maximize your advantages. Much of your ability to iterate and adapt comes from how well you’re using the technology at your fingertips. The quick collection and proper analysis of data can mean the difference between seeing an opportunity and letting it pass you by.

Remember too the adage, “a little learning is a dangerous thing.” Mobile technology gives you the freedom to do business anywhere. It can also tempt you to do it badly. Simply checking a customer’s social profile as you walk up the stairs to your appointment is no replacement for proper pre-call research, nor is checking email on the go the best way to use your mobile device. Instead, look into how you can add value to a customer’s experience by personalizing product options and tailoring offers mid-call.

By constantly optimizing your sales focus and how you make use of knowledge and technology, you can pull ahead of the pack. To help you get started on that journey, we’ve organized a live webinar with Barry Trailer, cofounder of CSO Insights, where we’ll discuss the latest research on sales performance optimization. You can register now for the event, which takes place on Wednesday, March 30 at 11 A.M., Pacific Daylight Time.


Webinar: 3 "Must Haves" to Maximizing Sales Performance