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Dynamics 365, Renault Sport Formula One Discuss Digital Transformation at Gartner Summit

According to an MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte University Press report, Aligning the Organization for Its Digital Focus, nearly 90% of more than 3,700 business executives, managers and business analysts from around the globe say they anticipate their industries will be moderately or greatly disrupted by digital trends. Yet, only 44% currently believe their organization is adequately preparing for this digital disruption.

At the Gartner Application Strategies and Solutions Summit on December 8 (Gartner’s premier event for accelerating engagement, driving customer experience and delivering digital business innovation), Microsoft Dynamics 365 Senior Director of Product Marketing Angela Bandlow and Renault Sport Formula One IS Development Manager Mark Everest will discuss digital transformation and the role the right technology plays.

Angela will provide a look at how engaging customers, empowering employees, optimizing operations and transforming products all factor in to digital transformation and long-term business success. She’ll also share how Dynamics 365 is helping Microsoft customers create impressive digital transformation stories around these four pillars.

Mark Everest of the Renault Sport Formula One Team will reveal how their team has accelerated its digital transformation via Dynamics 365, specifically noting how it’s allowed the team to drive greater efficiency from design all the way through to manufacturing.

“When you look at it in terms of the efficiencies around improving how quickly people can do things, how easily people can do things, I’d say that’s where Dynamics 365 has had the biggest impact,” notes Everest.

For those attending the Gartner Application Strategies and Solutions Summit at Caesars Palace, join Angela and Mark at 10:15am December 8 in the Augustus V Room. For those who can’t be at the conference, follow the event and the conversation in real time on Twitter using the hashtag #GartnerApps.