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Dynamics 365

Empowering service agents starts with the right tools & processes

Being a customer service agent has never been easy. And even though an increasing number of us are empowered through self-service channels, the agent’s job is getting even harder. How can this be? While most of us prefer to solve issues on our own, we still rely on agents when we encounter really tricky problems. So as the issues that require assisted service become increasingly complex, the role of service agent becomes increasingly difficult.

Add to this the fact that customer service agents typically handle traffic routed from multiple channels, leverage numerous data sources, and navigate a patchwork of applications – all while trying to provide customers with low effort service experiences. Given these challenges, it’s no wonder that the annual average agent turnover rate hovers around 29% (and even higher in some industries).[1]

Customer experience is quickly becoming the biggest driver behind customer loyalty, so empowering agents to be successful is more important than ever. Customers expect effective, personalized service, and in today’s competitive market, even one poor experience can make a customer more likely to leave your brand.

To be successful in their role, customer service agents need tools that enable them to be nimble, and to add immediate value. For example, when an agent connects with a customer, it’s likely that customer has already attempted to resolve the issue on their own or through another agent assisted channel. An agent’s ability to pick up exactly where the previous interaction left off is key to a successful engagement. A frictionless transition between service interactions creates an environment in which the agent can effectively serve customers and contribute to a positive overall engagement experience.

It’s critical for agents to have tools that enable them to solve cases quickly and effectively, creating personalized experiences that work in harmony with every other interaction to build relationships that last. This is difficult, if not impossible, if they need to navigate cumbersome tools or multiple siloed systems. Enabling agents with all the resources they need to provide fast and effective service will not only help you create customers for life – you’ll also be developing a more engaged workforce that is empowered to reinforce your brand values.

Recent research by thinkJar offers additional insight into the most effective ways to create engaged customer service employees by focusing on (1) implementing the right technology and (2) optimizing customer service processes. Creating Highly Engaged Customer Service Employees is a free report that discusses:

  • How recent innovations in problem resolution and agent support tools are addressing agents’ biggest barriers to success
  • How better data is helping organizations optimize service processes and deliver more proactive service
  • Six steps to jumpstarting an employee engagement initiative

Equipping agents with the right technology is a key component of a successful agent engagement strategy. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Service provides agents with contextual access to the right tools, guidance and data throughout every interaction. A single, role-driven interface empowers agents to solve cases faster and avoid escalations. With access to every source of information they need – including third party data and applications – they are empowered to provide personalized and effective service and to differentiate your brand.

Interested in learning more?

thinkJar’s research offers a number of insights into ways you can empower your customer service employees to drive better customer engagement and loyalty.

We encourage you to download the free whitepaper!


[1] The 2016-17 US Contact Center HR & Operational Benchmarking Report