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A modern sellers success depends on customer obsession [webinar]

Today’s B2B buyers are in complete control of their buying journey.

It’s well known that B2B buyers have access to information at their fingertips, and even prefer not to engage with sellers at the beginning of their buying journey. Unfortunately, if you are practicing conventional sales tactics and not engaging with your buyers you might be approaching your buyers the wrong way or with the wrong information. Technology has changed how buyers and sellers interact.

How has the buyer/seller dynamic changed? What challenges are modern sellers facing? What impacts do millennials have on modern buyers? What are top modern sellers doing today that makes them successful?

To answer these questions and more, we’ve teamed up with Steven Casey, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, and Johnathan Lister, VP Sales Solutions at LinkedIn to discuss how modern selling revolves around the customer.

Casey’s research at Forrester is focused on the impact of consumer buying behavior and technologies on the B2B buying cycle, and the interactive marketing solutions that leverage machine-learning, AI, and NLP technologies to enable B2B marketers to dynamically deliver contextually relevant content, experiences, and value throughout the customer-driven buying journey via preferred digital channels.

As the VP, Sales Solutions at LinkedIn, Jonathan Lister and his team work with the world’s most widely recognized brands to help them leverage their vast employee and client networks to build social selling expertise and dramatically improve how they sell.

Together, Casey and Lister discuss what’s required for sellers to be successful within ever-changing buyer behavior, focusing on engagement and understanding buyer behavior. Companies can track customers’ digital behavior to sell to them at a time when they’re increasingly controlling the nature of the buying cycle. “Engagement data, for instance, which illustrates how and when a customer has interacted with a company’s marketing collateral (whether it’s a blog post on its website, or an email containing a whitepaper), can reveal key insights into the next moves sellers must take to accelerate a sales cycle. The better I know the customer, the more customer-obsessed I am, the more power I have in the relationship,” Casey stressed.

If you’re ready to become customer obsessed, you can register for the webinar to learn:

  • Characteristics of a modern buyer
  • How millennials are impacting B2B purchasing decisions
  • Characteristics of a modern seller
  • 6 activities of a modern seller
  • How social selling drives success
  • What top sellers are doing today that makes them successful
  • 10 new sales essentials