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Dynamics 365

Microsoft CRM’s E-mail Subject-Line Tracking Token

Microsoft CRM puts a tracking token onto the subject line of sent email messages.  This enables us to identify replies as CRM-related, copy them into the CRM system and create appropriate relationships to other records.

In CRM 1.x, this tracking code was a rather long, rather ugly GUID, preceded by “CRM:” and ended with “:MRC”.  Understandably, this wasn’t overly popular.

In CRM 3.0, this tracking token is more palatable and configurable.  The token is all numbers, of configurable length and the prefix can be changed.  (By default it is “CRM:” but could be changed to something like “ref:”.  Changing the token prefix is also a good idea to prevent clashes when CRM systems mail each other.)  See the System Settings dialog to make changes.

Obviously, we’d prefer not to be putting anything into the subject line for tracking.  Unfortunately, we need a way to uniquely identify replies, and no other header fields survive transport through a number of different email systems.  (Believe us, we tried.  We’ve also had interesting suggestions like putting the token in white font, but subject fields are text only.)

The tracking token can be turned off on a system-wide basis.

If the tracking token is turned off, the CRM Exchange-Email Router doesn’t have a way to uniquely identify mail.  This leaves two options:

1.  Accept all incoming mail: In this scenario, the router will copy all incoming email into the CRM system.  Activity parties (sender, recipients) will be appropriately linked to their records in CRM, though Regarding record links will not be created.

2.  Manually promote incoming mail using the Outlook client: This option is available even when the token is present.

If the tracking token is turned off, and “all incoming” is not being accepted by the router, then the router will not be creating any incoming mail in the CRM system.  The Outlook client will be the only option for creating incoming mail in CRM.  Activity parties will be linked.
NB: In this scenario, there is no need to install the email router.