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Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog

2 min read

Serialising containers in X++ 

A problem I’ve hit a few times during troubleshooting is transferring containers from one environment to another. Importing a whole 100GB database to be able to access the results of a report packed into a 20MB container seems like a bit of an overkill. So, a natural idea would be to save the container to

3 min read

Check AOS event logs and SQL Server error logs for key messages using DynamicsPerf 

As part of general monitoring of Dynamics AX overall system health and/or troubleshooting, you’ll want to check the Windows event logs in your AOS server(s) and SQL Server error logs. If you have DynamicsPerf (Performance Analyzer for Microsoft Dynamics) installed, you can quickly check for key messages and if necessary, export and move them all

<1 min read

Design Pattern: Security – Data Encryption 

Context: After applying Sensitive Data Encapsulation, all sensitive data is gathered in a known place in the database. This makes it possible to apply further protection best practices. Problem: If any non-authorized actor manages to get access to a copy of the database, the sensitive data is immediately available in clear-text. Forces: Accessibility: anyone who

4 min read

Sending encrypted workflow notification emails 

Does business require to send encrypted workflow notification emails in synch with your company’s security requirements? The following steps describe how to do it using CRM Online and Office 365. Office 365 Message Encryption requires the Azure Rights Management service. Once you have a subscription to this service, you can activate it as described in

1 min read

[Post Incident Report] Dynamics AX sign-in issues and reporting functionality loss 

Summary On Friday, September 9, 2016, at 3:09 PM UTC, internal monitoring detected that customers in Western Europe were unable to sign in to Dynamics AX. Upon investigation, engineers discovered the outage was related to a network connectivity issue. Microsoft engineers applied a network configuration change, restoring service on Friday, September 9, 2016 at 5:48