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December 05, 2023

How to streamline blog post creation with AI-powered tools

Creating engaging and informative content is one of the most important parts of running a successful blog. Sometimes, though, content creators hit a wall and need help generating ideas. If that’s the case, try leveraging technology like AI-powered Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidebar to create content and stay on top of your publishing schedule. Learn how to use Copilot and consistently deliver blog posts your audience will love.

Open Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidebar

To begin, open Microsoft Edge and—located in your sidebar—select the Copilot logo in the upper-right corner. Next, select the Compose option at the top of the sidebar.

Select a topic

Choosing an intriguing and relevant topic is crucial to captivating your audience. Brainstorm potential topics that align with your blog's niche and target audience or ask Copilot for ideas around a specific subject. Once you have an idea in mind, summarize it in under 2,000 characters in the Write about section.

Ask the Compose tool in the sidebar to generate blog topic ideas by selecting the “ideas” format option and inputting prompts like:

  • Give me blog topic ideas around best restaurants in New York.
  • Provide blog topic ideas for activities to do at home with your kids when it’s raining outside.
  • Propose topic ideas for a blog about travel trips for a European excursion.

Choose your tone, format, and length

The next step is to select your blog post’s tone based on your target audience and industry. Learn about each option before choosing the best one to convey your message.

  • Professional. Suitable for industry-specific or niche blogs, professional advice, or business-related topics, a professional tone is formal, authoritative, and direct.
  • Casual. A casual tone feels conversational, approachable, and relatable and is commonly found in lifestyle, personal development, or opinion-based blogs.
  • Enthusiastic. Typically used in personal development and motivational blogs, an enthusiastic tone is a great way to engage and energize your readers. 
  • Informational. An informational tone uses straightforward language to educate and guide readers in instructional, how-to, or educational blogs.
  • Funny. A humorous tone is light-hearted, funny, and entertaining and works well when used to discuss lighthearted topics like entertainment.

After you select a tone, choose Blog, select your length, and select Generate draft.

Refine, refine, refine

Now the real work begins. This is your chance to make the post your own, or on brand, edit, and enhance. As a writer of long-form content, you’ll notice some limitations. AI will, literally, learn and get better over time, but for now, accuracy, timeliness, repetition, and style may need the help of a gentle human hand. Remember, you’re the author; AI is your very helpful assistant.

Improve readability

Scannable content is the best way to engage on-the-go readers and prevent them from leaving your page. If your blog is too wordy, look for opportunities to convert text into bulleted and numbered lists, consolidate points, and shorten sentences.

Polish and fine-tune

After completing the initial draft, read through your blog post and make any necessary revisions. While AI is a useful tool for generating text and ideas, it’s also important to trust your own judgment as a writer. Tailor your blog content to match your unique voice so it resonates with your readers and sounds human.

Conduct a final proofread

Before publishing your blog post, perform a thorough proofread. While AI technology like Copilot in your Microsoft Edge sidebar can generate valuable copy as a starting point, it's essential to have human review to finalize the content. Double-check for overlooked errors or repetition and make any final adjustments.

Once you’ve refined your blog post, it's time to publish and share it with your audience. Promote the post through your usual channels, such as social media and email newsletters, and encourage readers to engage through comments and feedback.

Streamline your content creation process like never before with Copilot in your Microsoft Edge sidebar. No matter your skillset, Copilot in Microsoft Edge helps you bring any vision to life, making it easy to write and more—all within your browser. Try Microsoft Edge today to take advantage of powerful AI creativity tools.

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