• 5 min read

Evolving remote learning – #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet on June 16

With circumstances evolving rapidly around the globe, educators, students, and families have adjusted to remote learning as the norm. We’re happy to provide you the opportunity to discuss the impact that remote learning has had on you and your students. Your teaching and learning approaches may once again change in the new school year. Will you be moving back to the classroom? If so, what will teaching and learning look like from your perspective?

With circumstances evolving rapidly around the globe, educators, students, and families have adjusted to remote learning as the norm. We’re happy to provide you the opportunity to discuss the impact that remote learning has had on you and your students. Your teaching and learning approaches may once again change in the new school year. Will you be moving back to the classroom? If so, what will teaching and learning look like from your perspective?

We look forward to welcoming you to a 75-minute TweetMeet on Tuesday, June 16 at 10:00 AM Pacific Time, on the topic of evolving remote learning.

We have five discussion questions lined up this month, allowing 14 minutes of discussion time each:

Pacific Time##MSFTEduChat TweetMeet question timings
10:00amEvent beginsWelcome. Please introduce yourself. Use #MSFTEduChat and #TweetMeetEN or #TweetMeetXX for non-English languages.
10:041How has remote learning impacted your students in the past months? Share stories.
10:182What are the key lessons you’ve learned from teaching remotely?
10:323What tools and strategies make future learning more accessible? Share your best tips.
10:464What skills and resources belong in the toolbox of future-ready educators?
11:005How will teaching and learning evolve, from your perspective?
11:15Event closesParticipant survey and announcing the next event.

Even if you’re conducting a class at the time of the event, busy doing other things, or asleep—no problem! All educators are welcome to participate any time after the event. Simply look at the questions and respond to them at a day and time that suits you best.

You can also schedule your tweets in advance. In that case, be sure to include the entire question in your tweet and the hashtag #MSFTEduChat so that everyone knows how your responses align to the event questions and conversations.

SuperWakelet about evolving remote learning

We’ve invited our hosts to share and carefully annotate their favorite resources. Note how each host has chosen a different angle for their Wakelet. Find all of these resources in our new SuperWakelet about evolving remote learning, live-embedded here:

Introducing our hosts

Please meet our hosts for this month’s TweetMeet.

After weeks of preparation for this TweetMeet, this new crew is thrilled to engage with you on the topic, evolving remote learning.

Check out their profiles, consider following them, and engage with their tweets through this month’s Twitter List.

Andrew Bailey (@andrewkbailey13), Physics and science teacher from Carnoustie, Angus, Scotland. Uses knowledge of teaching and learning and digital skills to provide quality experiences for students that are engaging and meet their needs.

Colin Birge (@ColinBirge), Senior Program Manager with Microsoft Education from Vancouver, BC, Canada. Supporting instructors around the world who are transforming their teaching practice at every level.

Davy Temmerman (@DavyTheTeacher), Teacher and Pedagogical IT from Sint-Niklaas, Belgium. Working in education creates the opportunity to share knowledge and passion of IT with students and teachers on a daily basis.

Enrique Benimeli (@enriquebenimeli), Computer Science teacher and ICT Coordinator from Denia, Spain. Enjoys supporting teachers to enhance the learning experience of all students using technology.

Gurdeep Singh (@Gurdeep_Saffron), IT Head at Saffron Public School in India. MIE Expert, Wakelet Ambassador, and T4 Ambassador who is passionate about new technologies that help to improve education.

Jacqueline Ortiz (@jackieo_SB), High school and university English teacher from Dijon, France. Loves learning with students and colleagues to integrate technology into the classroom to help students develop 21st-century skills.

Jonathan Butler (@JonButlerEDU), Assistant Principal from Hull, United Kingdom. Loves sharing ideas with colleagues, improving practice, and training others. Focusing now on hybrid learning for the return of students after summer.

Kennard Branch (@gprep1314), Principal from Washington, DC, United States. Passionate about having the privilege to inspire a culture of innovation and collaboration throughout the school to enrich learning and teaching.

Krynica Drake (@APSITKrynica), Educational Technology Specialist from Atlanta, GA, United States. Shares technology, resources, and tools with students and staff to positively impact their lives.

Lamees Gouda (@LameesGouda), tenth-grade teacher of English from Qualubeya New Benha, Egypt. Searches for new educational topics or technologies that can help him be more innovative in teaching and to overcome upcoming challenges.

Laura Krenicki (@Laura_Krenicki), Global Studies educator from Colchester, CT, United States. Strives to develop global competence in students through collaboration, exploration, and inquiry.

Leah Obach (@LeahO77), Literacy with ICT teacher leader from Kenton, Manitoba, Canada. Supports teachers and students in using technology to enhance teaching and learning.

Marissa Williams (@TechKnowEDUGuru), K-5 ISTE Tech Lab teacher from Canton, GA, United States. Strives to provide a nurturing environment that allows each child to succeed while encouraging the discovery of productive struggle.

Matthew Hains (@MHainsOnline), Teacher from Johannesburg, South Africa. Encouraged by the constant innovation of technology and education and strives to blend those two into a wonderful partnership.

Mrunal Ganjale (@GanjaleMrunal), Educator from government school, Pune, India. Empowers children and other educators to use technology at its best in the classroom.

Roisin Rice (@rricecutter), Acting Vice Principal at St Mary’s College from Derry, Northern Ireland. Passionate about developing my learners so that they are inquisitive, independent, and resilient, equipped with 21st century skills.

Thomas Baldauf (@AHSBaldauf), IT teacher and national coordinator from Vienna, Austria. Enjoys seeing the transformation of education, as students and teachers get more responsible and involved with technology.

Valentina DeNardis (@cyberantiquity), Director of Classical Studies at Villanova University from Villanova, PA, United States. Loves using technology and empowering others to use it to explore antiquity and its influence on subsequent historical periods.

Language tracks offered this month

We offer this month’s TweetMeet in four language tracks: English, Arabic, German, and Spanish.

Want to help promote the TweetMeet?

Our PowerPoint templates provide three easy ways for you to announce the TweetMeet to your friends and followers:

  1. Add an “I 💖 #MSFTEduChat” banner to your Twitter profile picture
  2. Create a TweetMeet Friend Card
  3. Add our TweetMeet Sticky Note 📌 to your existing Twitter header photo

Each of our templates contains the step-by-step instructions for how to create these for yourself. If you need help, just reach out to us via direct message on Twitter @TweetMeet.

Here’s an example of a TweetMeet Friend Card:

Welcoming TweetMeet newcomers, now in 7 languages

Do you know someone new to TweetMeets? Our TweetMeet starter guide Wakelet collection is created especially for newcomers, so please share it with friends and colleagues who might be interested in joining. This guide is now available in multiple languages.

Why join the #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet?

TweetMeets are monthly recurring Twitter conversations about themes relevant to educators, facilitated by Microsoft Education. The purpose of these events is to help professionals in education learn from each other and inspire their students as they prepare for their future. TweetMeets also nurture personal learning networks among educators from across the globe.

When and how can I join?

Join us Tuesday, June 16 from 10:00 AM to 11:15 AM Pacific Time on Twitter using the hashtags #RemoteLearning, #MSFTEduChat, #TweetMeetEN, and #MicrosoftEDU. Be sure to double-check your own local event time. You can find the event time for 215 countries with this time zone announcer.

Our next recommendation is to set up the Twitter dashboard TweetDeck and add columns for the hashtags and for your favorite hosts. When a tweet appears that you want to respond to, select the retweet button and type your comments. Additional tips are offered in this animated GIF that you’re welcome to share with newcomers:

Got questions about the #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet?

Please connect with TweetMeet organizer Marjolein Hoekstra @TweetMeet on Twitter if you have any questions about the event or about what it takes to be a host on a future event.