Announcing Microsoft Student Summit! Learn. Accelerate. Explore.

We love connecting with students, hearing their experiences, and helping them discover their passions and desired paths, particularly as they venture into the workforce.

We love connecting with students, hearing their experiences, and helping them discover their passions and desired paths, particularly as they venture into the workforce. Over the past year, we’ve seen students around the world take an increasing interest in their skill development, whether it be enrolling in short courses online or pursuing additional certifications and credentials to supplement their academic studies and diversify their resume. The pandemic has accelerated digital transformation across every country and industry around the world, opening new job roles and opportunities for innovation in ways we’ve never seen before. Students are our future, and we are committed to supporting them in every way possible to best prepare the workforce of tomorrow.

That’s why we are so incredibly excited to bring Microsoft Student Summit (or S2, as we like to call it) to every higher education student globally. 

S2 is a three-day virtual summit, to be held October 18, 19, and 20, and designed to inspire and empower higher education students on their employability journey. Centered on three pillars of Learn, Explore and Accelerate, S2 will offer connection with Microsoft executives; training on the latest Microsoft technologies; tips for careers and interviewing; and the opportunity for students to join our global student forum community on LinkedIn

We have a fantastic agenda in store, featuring leaders from across Microsoft, including Eran Megiddo, Corporate Vice President, Modern Life and Learning; Amanda Silver, Corporate Vice President and Head of Product for Microsoft’s Developer Division; Ann Johnson, Corporate Vice President for Security, Compliance, and Identity; and Jean-Philippe Courtois, Executive Vice President and President for National Transformation Partnerships. Each day will feature introductory tech sessions, student spotlights, and best practices for creating a student profile on LinkedIn. We’ll also have a Microsoft Aspire panel where our current Microsoft graduate program participants will share their journey working at Microsoft and advice for fellow students. 

To top off each day, students will also have the opportunity to attend live, four-hour exam cram sessions aligned to the Microsoft Fundamentals certifications—featuring Azure Data; Security, Identity, and Compliance; and Power Platform. We know that studying for a certification can take time, so these exam crams are designed to get students up to speed quickly and help improve the likelihood of a great passing result! Our recent study with IDC shared just how impactful having an industry certification can be to entry-level-hire onboarding and success in first jobs out of higher education. 

Students who join the forum on LinkedIn will then also have the opportunity to further connect with other students, ask questions, and continue their connection with Microsoft post-event.

Students can get involved with S2 by:

  • Registering for the event. There are two cohort options to choose from so that we can reach everyone at an optimal time.
  • Registering for the Student Forum on LinkedIn.
  • Registering for Microsoft Learn—after the event, students will benefit from further study on Learn post event to upskill and take advantage of training on a vast number of different technologies.

Students can share their participation in the Microsoft Student Summit by leveraging these social assets here.

We can’t wait to see you there!