• 3 min read

Commemorating the impact of The King legacy

Beginning in January and continuing throughout February, classrooms across the U.S. will recognize Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the lasting impact that he and other Civil Rights leaders have made towards equality, justice, and the advancement of our nation.

Beginning in January and continuing throughout February, classrooms across the U.S. will recognize Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the lasting impact that he and other Civil Rights leaders have made towards equality, justice, and the advancement of our nation. What is sometimes forgotten in the history books, is the force that was by his side, Mrs. Coretta Scott King. The memorialization of Dr. King’s achievements are not just his own, together Dr. and Mrs. King made historic contributions that have shaped the fabric of society.

Preserving the life and work of Dr. King and the Civil Rights Movement 

The King Center is a historic site and non-profit organization in Atlanta, Georgia, dedicated to preserving and promoting the legacy of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The center was architected and founded by Mrs. Coretta Scott King shortly after his assassination in 1968. However, long before the physical structure existed, the Center’s spiritual and philosophical genesis had roots in the story of a girl from the American south who dared to believe that she could use her life for positive social change.

As the Official Technology Partner of The King Library & Archives, Microsoft is honored to support The King Center’s commitment to being a global center for nonviolent social change as established by Mrs. Coretta Scott King in 1968. This partnership involves a multi-year effort to preserve and facilitate digital access to the world’s largest repository of primary source material related to the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the American civil rights movement using an Azure-based Digital Asset Management solution.

From the depths of archival resources, Microsoft has collaborated to bring the public the story of The King Center through an unprecedented selection of precious and noteworthy digitized artifacts that highlight The King Center’s history and continued impact seen, felt, and delivered through nonviolence education and training.

The King Center timeline 

The King Center Timeline, a cornerstone of this partnership, is a collaboration between Microsoft and The King Center that consists of the first, unique collection of documents, pictures, and videos that demonstrate Mrs. King’s commitment to nonviolent social change.  The King Center Timeline pays homage to Mrs. Coretta Scott King, the architect of the King legacy, reflecting more than 50 years of unwavering dedication to community, cultural, and socio-economic progress rooted in the methodology and philosophy of nonviolent social change espoused by her husband, Dr. King.

The timeline is designed with students of every age in mind, making it a valuable tool for every classroom. Through this interactive experience, students and educators can engage with a variety of digitized artifacts including images and video connected to specific historic events.

The King Center and Microsoft are also developing a King Center Timeline Companion Guide with Flip to support educators as they share this unprecedented collection of Civil Rights history with their students. This valuable resource is coming in February.

Participate in a live Flip event with The King Center  

Educators are invited to join Flip and The King Center on February 22, 2023, to commemorate Black History Month. Special guests, Dr. Kelisha Graves and Dominique Luster will take you on a tour of The King Center Timeline with artifacts from The King Library and Archives. Both professionals are dedicated to uplifting marginalized voices and sharing their stories, especially those of Black women. They’ll discuss their admiration of Mrs. Coretta Scott King, founder of The King Center and architect of the King legacy.

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Struggle is a never-ending process. Freedom is never really won. You earn it and win it in every generation.”  

-Mrs. Coretta Scott King 

Celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Mrs. Coretta Scott King, and The King Center today and beyond using this unprecedented collection of Civil Rights history to engage students in conversations and learning experiences about social justice and non-violent social change.