• 2 min read

New Education Insights improve student engagement in hybrid learning

Since schools and universities had to make the unexpected move to remote learning earlier this year, education leaders, faculty, and teachers from all over the world have been innovating and adapting to ensure quality learning for students.

Since schools and universities had to make the unexpected move to remote learning earlier this year, education leaders, faculty, and teachers from all over the world have been innovating and adapting to ensure quality learning for students. As hybrid and remote learning continues into this next school year, educators are applying lessons from the recent past to navigate the ongoing transition, while updating approaches and processes to respond to new government reporting regulations.

To support teachers, faculty, schools, universities, and education systems, today we are announcing expanded capabilities of the Education Insights app in Microsoft Teams, with new features available in preview now.* New views showcase student engagement data to help school and university leaders better understand how remote learning approaches and pedagogy are performing. With insights spanning entire institutions, districts, and systems, leaders can more easily discover trends, identify opportunities for improvement, and adapt and personalize their teaching and learning strategies.

The new view is designed to help education leaders:

  • Ensure equity and continuity of teaching in remote settings, and identify students at risk by tracking their engagement over time
  • Identify trends in engagement and interaction across schools and grade levels
  • Discover and celebrate best practices in remote instruction and provide leaders with school- and system-level insights
  • Comply with regulations for digital engagement reporting with one-click data export

Critically, Education Insights ensures security and protection of students’ sensitive information. Each report is only available to approved staff members who are given permissions by the IT admin. The information collected and shown meets more than 90 regulatory and industry standards, including GDPR and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). For more technical information, visit the Insights support page.

Shine a spotlight on class activity and student learning

Overview of Insights in Teams for Education class.

Identify at-risk students with the Student Digital Activity Report

Digital activity report details the time each user spent on digital activities each day.

Identify trends in engagement and interaction with leader view

Average daily insights dashboard of active students.

The data from the whitepaper “Disruptions and Opportunities: Lessons from Hybrid Learning” revealed that educators who use Microsoft Teams report high levels of confidence in their ability to assess remote learning outcomes. The functionality in the Education Insights app supports and expands effective assessment with access to information that is helpful for both educators and leaders.

Cody Grindle, VP of Information Systems at IDEA Public Schools, said:

“The new Insights dashboard for leaders gives us actionable information on student engagement and virtual learning across our network. The near real-time activity metrics and report export features provide effective tools not only for attendance and daily/weekly trends, but also to provide student- level data for research across other academic indicators.”

Remote and hybrid learning is challenging for all, but with Insights in Microsoft Teams for Education, leaders, faculty, and teachers can stay up to date with how students and classes are progressing, and take action to ensure the best learning outcomes. If you’re already using Microsoft Teams for Education, the new features are available to preview in the Insights app for free, so install the app.* If you’re not yet using Teams, click here to get started. For more information and resources, visit our hybrid learning resource page.

*Note: The Education Insights app is available now, and the new features are available to preview for anyone who currently has an A1, A3, or A5 faculty M365 license.