Celebrate dyslexic thinking

The world needs dyslexic thinking, an approach to problem solving, assessing information, and learning. Research tells us that dyslexic thinkers have the exact skills needed for the workplace of today. The Value of Dyslexia report points out that new roles and enhanced tasks will be created across industries that closely match the strengths of dyslexic thinking.

The world needs dyslexic thinking, an approach to problem solving, assessing information, and learning. Research tells us that dyslexic thinkers have the exact skills needed for the workplace of today. The Value of Dyslexia report points out that new roles and enhanced tasks will be created across industries that closely match the strengths of dyslexic thinking. These strengths often include:

  • Leadership and social influence
  • Creativity
  • Complex problem-solving
  • Analytical thinking
  • Emotional intelligence

This is why we have partnered with global charity Made By Dyslexia to help every educator identify, support, and empower every learner with dyslexia.

In honor of Dyslexia Awareness Month, alongside our partner Made by Dyslexia, New York City Mayor, Eric Adams, and The NYC Department of Education, we are excited to celebrate dyslexic thinking with some important announcements.

100,000 teachers trained

Thanks to Mayor Eric Adams and his team, New York City (NYC) is leading the world in harnessing the limitless potential of dyslexic thinking in every school. Today they celebrate all their teachers being trained in dyslexia, in less than 6 months. Understanding that dyslexic thinking skills—creativity and inventiveness—are fundamental to the fabric of the future, NYC is the first city in the world to train every educator to spot, support, and empower every learner with dyslexia.

Teachers can learn more about dyslexia awareness and teaching using free and engaging self-paced online training on Microsoft Learn. These training modules, used to train all 100,000 NYC teachers, feature dyslexia experts from world-leading schools and offer tried and true methodologies that work for dyslexic learners. NYC’s program for schools also includes structured literacy, dyslexia screening, and dyslexia specialist support pilots.

We’ve known how to support dyslexia for decades, and we’ve known that without support these children enter a spiral of failure, but nothing has been done. There, however, is a very simple solution to this big problem; we need to train all teachers to spot, support and empower dyslexic students who are in every classroom, around the world. And we need to do it at speed… just like New York City.”

Kate Griggs, CEO & Founder of Made By Dyslexia

Learn Dyslexia campaign

There are more than 7 billion people on earth and 1 in 5 of them are dyslexic. While their skills are recognized by the World Economic Forum as the skills every workplace needs, many of these skills are not spotted or supported in schools. Findings in Made By Dyslexia’s new report, “The School Report”  reveal that over half of schools globally fail to understand dyslexic challenges. Also, only 1 in 10 teachers has a good understanding of dyslexic strengths, leaving 80% of learners with dyslexia with support that is average, poor, or non-existent. This is why Made by Dyslexia is launching their Learn Dyslexia campaign.

Following the success of NYC, this campaign calls for every school globally to give teachers a “day for dyslexia”—time to skill-up using the free dyslexia training on Microsoft Learn. This online training is comprised of multiple modules which cover dyslexia awareness, dyslexia teaching, and most recently added dyslexia and technology.

In the Dyslexia Awareness training module, learn how to spot, support, and empower learners with dyslexia in the classroom:

The Dyslexia Teaching training module provides strategies to transform teaching and learning:

And finally, the newest module Dyslexia and Technology offers opportunities to explore tech tools to support learners through building on their strengths, as well as supportive technology to mitigate challenges learners with dyslexia often face.

See what teachers are saying about the dyslexia training available on Microsoft Learn:

  • “It is so outstanding! Ticks all the boxes—keeps your attention, factually strong, easy to digest and most importantly incredibly effective.”
  • “The training opened my eyes to a whole new way of teaching. It’s also opened our eyes to those children who potentially may have been struggling but we haven’t yet noticed.”
  • “It’s really deepened my understanding of dyslexia. How many intertwining elements there are—it’s not just the reading and the writing.”
  • “The Dyslexia Awareness training is great for all teachers, whether they are newly qualified, nearly qualified or highly experienced.”

Read our customer stories to learn more about how Microsoft Education solutions support and help learners with dyslexia thrive.

The World Dyslexia Assembly 2023

The World Dyslexia Assembly 2023, a global celebration of Dyslexic Thinking, will take place at New York City’s David Geffen Hall, Lincoln Center on April 3, 2023. This Assembly will feature engaging programming and speakers across industries including spies, space scientists, star athletes, and other special guests.  

New York is where creative legacies are made. It’s where big ideas come together and synthesize into something unstoppable. So where better to stage our next World Dyslexia Assembly – our unparalleled social movement and event series, which is building the ultimate alliance of game-changers across the globe.”

Kate Griggs, CEO & Founder of Made By Dyslexia

Begin your Learn Dyslexia journey today

Join us and Made By Dyslexia in creating a more inclusive world that embraces those who think differently.

Start your Learn Dyslexia journey with the free, online dyslexia training on Microsoft Learn and exploring Made By Dyslexia’s resources for teachers.