Pattern 1D: Demonstrate possible system inputs

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The user needs to understand what the system can do.


Show possible user inputs to demonstrate to the user what the system can do.

Use when

  • The system supports explicit user input.
  • It is hard for the user to discover the range of system capabilities.
  • It is desirable to promote consistency among user inputs.
  • It is desirable to influence the user’s input toward what is easier for the system to understand.


Show possible user inputs in one or more of the following forms:

  • Clickable preformulated user inputs.
  • Non-clickable user inputs, which are usually pre-populated in a user input field.
  • Fully preformulated possible user inputs.
  • Possible user inputs formulated during user interaction through auto-completion.
  • Static possible user inputs that do not change based on context.
  • Conditional possible user inputs that change in response to the user’s previous actions.

Select possible user inputs to display based one or more considerations:

  • Diversity – ensure the sample user inputs are sufficiently diverse to demonstrate the range of system capabilities.
  • Popularity – select among popular or trending user inputs.
  • Contextual relevance – for example, take into consideration current events or user goals.

User benefits

  • Enables the user to discover non-obvious system capabilities.
  • Clickable preformulated user inputs enable the user to perform tasks efficiently.
  • Possible user inputs selected on the basis of popularity or contextual relevance may have informational value beyond learning what the system can do.

Common pitfalls

  • The system underperforms in response to a preformulated user input or to one that is similar.
  • Sample preformulated user inputs promote undesirable social biases or violate social norms.
  • Outputs resulting from preformulated user inputs promote undesirable social biases or violate social norms.
  • The pattern implementation creates expectations that the system can do more than it is capable of.

Note: Over-inflated user expectations have been shown to cause frustration and even product abandonment.


Over-inflated user expectations have been shown to cause frustration and even product abandonment: