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Engage your customers

Personalization: The Secret to Outpacing Your Competition

With an additional 1.4 billion smartphones entering the market last year, and approximately 2.3 billion people sharing their digital personality each day, the customer expectation for personalization has never been greater. Modern retailers are using digital transformation to stand out from the crowd and build one-to-one relationships with perpetually connected customers.

American shoppers currently make more than 50% of their purchases online, most frequently from the brands that offer them a seamless, differentiated product. For this reason, retailers who pay close attention to the personal details associated with their audience have a better chance of staying relevant.

The convergence of personal data and digital retailing has fundamentally changed expectations for customer care, while emphasizing the need to be predictive and proactive. Real-time promotions, cross selling, and responsive support exemplify how brands can increase their margins while creating a more personalized approach to the customer experience.

Retailers who act now to develop personalized in-store and online experiences will capture the customer’s imagination and loyalty, while the rest will struggle to catch up.

Download the e-book, Get Personal: Five Digital Ways to Give Customers What They Want , to explore the personalization and data analysis opportunities each customer experience offers, and what this data means for retailers.