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Accelerate your product innovation with IoT and social listening

Earlier this week, I held a webcast with our manufacturing customers to share ideas about how they can better design for customers’ needs. While this has always been a priority for product-driven enterprises, it’s much easier said than done, and especially so in today’s digitally-connected world. Customers have more information, more options, and evolving behaviors about what they buy—and how. Consumers expect innovative solutions rather than just clever or well-designed products.

During the webcast, I talked about two critical ways manufacturers can accelerate product innovation: through the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) and social listening. I shared trends happening in each area, explored some intriguing use cases, and looked at the opportunity ahead for manufacturers.

First, we talked about how IoT is crucial in helping you make the shift from products to solutions in order to personalize the customer experience, enhance serviceability and ongoing innovation, and create customer loyalty. The computing power we have today with the cloud and IoT will help you transform information into insights and convert insights into actions—all essential things for designing the next generation of solutions.

Social listening is another a major transition we need to undertake in order to better address customer wants and needs and to compress our product lifecycle. Digital properties such as blogs, Twitter, and Facebook are important tools we can use to learn from our customers. Integrating social interaction into your planning can help you understand how people feel about your solutions so you can incorporate a human element into your ideation and product planning.


The pace of innovation is outpacing the speed at which we do development. We need to have more insights into product usage and customer satisfaction that we can get instantaneously and use to further our design. And Microsoft has the resources to help you get started:

Learn more about Microsoft Azure, our cloud for the modern business.
Get started in creating the Internet of Your Things.
See how to bring your data to life with Power BI.
Use Microsoft Social Listening to listen everywhere, analyze customer sentiment, and drive engagement.


So, if you want to learn more, but missed my webcast, I encourage you to watch the replay heresimon_webcast_blog3.IoT and the social web are happening now. Learn how to leverage these to drive new opportunities, build customer loyalty, and accelerate innovation.
