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Improving Field Worker Links to the Office

Adult volunteers with the Army Cadet Force, one of the UK’s largest voluntary youth organizations, have their work cut out organizing and running activities for the young cadets. On the rare occasions that one of the 85,000 children has an accident, the adult supervising the activity need to contact the cadet’s parents urgently.

In the past, contact and next of kin information was often held on paper forms, carried around during activities in a folder. Some volunteers had the information on laptops but there was a real and present fear that volunteers could lose laptops as they focused on the young people in their charge.

The Army Cadet Force identified Windows To Go as the perfect solution. Now volunteers simply carry around a USB stick, running Windows 8.1 and Office 2013, which enables secure access to the personal data of all 85,000 cadets. Intune mobile device management keeps all devices up to date with the latest security updates. Adult volunteers are free to concentrate on the cadet activities, secure in the knowledge that should they need next of kin contact information it will be easy to find and access in an emergency.

Watch how The Army Cadet Force addressed the issue of giving volunteers secure mobile access to sensitive information.

Improving field worker links to the office