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Pizza Hut improves internal communication with Yammer

Engaging with a young workforce that don’t work standard office hours or have a fixed desk to work from is a challenge! Previously Pizza Hut had used email, team meetings and notices in the restaurant staff rooms to convey news and changes within the organization but these methods had not had the level of engagement that Pizza Hut had hoped for and important corporate messages were being missed. The company wanted to find a solution that resonated with their staff, delivered information directly to the team member and that could be accessed on smartphones – that solution was Microsoft Yammer.

The implementation of Yammer has already had a significant effect within Pizza Hut and they are now able to communicate directly with staff with an immediacy that had previously been absent. They now have the ability to communicate the effect that organizational change is having in restaurants with testimonials from staff to reinforce their message; they can also share customer satisfaction results which is proving to be a huge boost to staff morale. Yammer’s structure, allowing staff to make suggestions and add comments to Pizza Hut’s stories, has proved to be a big hit. Their input is being listened to, and implemented by the management, leading to a business that Pizza Hut says is being steered by information gleaned from their front end teams rather than by management. The ability of staff to access information outside of work hours has also enabled Pizza Hut to deliver important training and organizational messages regardless of the team member’s location and this has increased staff effectiveness in the restaurants.

Pizza Hut were impressed by the robust, future-proof platform that Microsoft were able to deliver to resolve their dilemma with staff engagement. The implementation of Yammer has re-inspired staff and Pizza Hut is delighted to see that this is leading to an overall rise in customer satisfaction and an increase in customer spend; Pizza Hut are looking forward to building on this success.

Find out more about how Yammer can help connect your business