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7 min read

Build a hyperconnected business 

As the world has changed over the past 18 months, we’ve seen three trends emerge. Hybrid work is here to stay, customer demands have fundamentally shifted, and there’s no simple roadmap for what’s ahead. At the same time, we’ve seen an explosion of data, generated by every business process, every connected device, and every individual

2 min read

4 elements of a successful digital transformation 

Eighty-five percent of business leaders feel they must offer digital services or become irrelevant.1 Ninety-one percent see digital transformation as a way of sparking innovation and finding efficiencies.2 While business leaders understand the need to develop a digital transformation strategy, many aren’t sure where to start. A playbook like this one can help. We’ve worked

1 min read

Microsoft at Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo – Leading your innovation journey with Microsoft 

Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo in Orlando is a great venue for business leaders and IT professionals to discuss the extent to which innovation is driving unprecedented transformation, and the potential disruptions that poses for the market and society at large. Organizations that can embrace innovation and incorporate it responsibly into their products, services, and business strategies

2 min read

Microsoft at Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo: Innovation is more powerful with you 

Are you one of the tens of thousands of chief information officers (CIOs), IT leaders and partners attending Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo in the coming months? As an eight-year veteran of the event, I can say Symposium represents an excellent learning opportunity. The analysts share their latest perspectives on vital technology and then take it to

2 min read

Be successful with AI at every stage 

Tapping into the power of AI means understanding the challenges ahead, your organization’s readiness to meet those challenges, and its maturity on the AI continuum.

1 min read

How to cultivate the enterprise of tomorrow 

As digital innovation transforms the global economy, successful delivery of products and services will require a fundamental reorientation from ‘process first’ to ‘culture first’.