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<1 min read

Project Premonition 

Dr. Ethan Jackson and his team set out to try to detect diseases before they attack humans. This ambitious project required the use of a number of cutting-edge technologies and resulted in a fundamental transformation of how this type of work can be done.

<1 min read

Microsoft CEO: We want to partner with telcos 

Nadella has his eyes on 3 new technologies he thinks will be transformational for consumers & businesses: artificial intelligence, mixed reality & quantum computing.

<1 min read

Microsoft Azure in healthcare 

Azure offers a platform to develop connected solutions which provide proactive, personalized healthcare across people and devices.

<1 min read

21 Statistics Shaping Digital Transformation Fortunes 

Digital transformation - while many have been talking the talk since the start of the decade, eye-opening and disruptive changes and events have led more and more businesses and organizations to begin walking the walk to ensure that they will be able to remain, sustain, grow and lead into the future.

1 min read

Empowering People – How Artificial Intelligence is changing our world 

“Empowering People – How Artificial Intelligence is changing our world” provides a point of view on how the digital revolution is unlocking new opportunities for Artificial Intelligence (AI) to accelerate innovation, evolve human progress, and provide solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

<1 min read

Azure IOT Suite 

Connect your devices, analyze untapped data, and integrate business systems.