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5 min read

Discover how Microsoft can help treasury agencies drive outcome-based budgeting 

Budget and treasury agencies, and the people who lead them, are tasked with tackling a myriad of challenges while simultaneously navigating various macro-economic situations. At a minimum, they are responsible for public spending, financial services policy, strategic oversight of revenue collection systems, and funding vital infrastructure projects. In doing so, these agencies ensure the efficient

4 min read

Microsoft brings new AR and VR tools to advance national security 

We are thrilled once again to be back at the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) this year in Orlando, Florida, to share how we are supporting our armed forces, by bringing the best in gaming, exercising, modeling, and simulation (GEMS) capabilities to help them analyze, experiment, and train more safely and effectively than ever before.

5 min read

Co-engineering digital transformation with Microsoft for Public Finance 

Microsoft recently partnered with a revenue and customs agency of a major European government that is responsible for the collection of taxes, the payment of state support, and the administration of other regulatory regimes, including the national minimum wage.

4 min read

How technology enables public health equity 

With the power of Microsoft technology, CHMRC and non-profit organizations were able to deliver COVID-19 testing and vaccines to those in need at an unprecedented rate. In October 2022, the Microsoft team will join CHMRC at the 2022 ISM Annual Conference & Expo to discuss this topic, and much more.

4 min read

Showcasing technologies for modern defense missions 

At Microsoft, our Defense teams are thrilled to be supporting AUSA with our partners. We’re eager to meet with you, and for the opportunity to discuss our point of view that demonstrates just a few of the technologies that can be a positive force for modern missions across the defense community.