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Microsoft empowers health systems of tomorrow with better analytics, improved collaboration, and safer devices for real impact and better health today.
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Empowering health around the world through software innovation.



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The Microsoft in Health LinkedIn showcase page is a network for healthcare professionals and technology experts to discuss healthcare delivery, devices and mobility, and much more.

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  Health Partner Exchange (PEX) is where partners come to connect with people and fresh materials to service health clients. (PEX complements MPN)

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  The Microsoft Health Users Group members make up a global community of healthcare IT experts. Join industry leaders to keep up with the latest healthcare IT topics.

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Microsoft in Health Blog

Nurses for Microsoft in Health

The Microsoft in Health blog provides global insight into the latest in healthcare technology. Find out why healthcare professionals are improving collaboration, speeding up access to information, and getting inspired by technological insights.

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Nurse involvement in technology decision making is vital to healthcare quality and efficiency. Microsoft in Health provides insight for nurses on healthcare devices, services, technologies, and experiences.

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