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Let’s get personal – best practices for reaching the health consumer through digital channels

These days, it’s all about getting personal with health consumers. As a result of reform and the consumer-driven healthcare marketplace, it’s crucial to engage people in personalized ways via the digital channels they’re accustomed to using.

That means you need to understand individuals’ needs, behaviors, and values all along their health journey and services selection process. When they research health information or pricing online, you need to make it easy for them to find what they need — whatever device they’re using. It also helps increase loyalty if you provide compelling content and experiences that stand out from the competition in today’s highly commoditized healthcare market.As a result of reform and the consumer-driven healthcare marketplace, it’s crucial to engage people in personalized ways via the digital channels they’re accustomed to using.

Amy Widicus, Managing Director of Healthcare and Customer Engagement at Tahoe Partners, wrote a blog series earlier this year with some great strategies for keeping up with health consumer expectations and differentiating yourself. She references health plans, but the tips apply to any health organization looking to better engage its community — whether a provider, health insurance company, or any other healthcare entity.

You probably already know you need to smartly interact with those you serve in personalized and unified ways across many channels. You’ve just been trying to figure out how to do it with your limited budgets and resources.

Elevsis Delgadillo, Senior Director, Digital Business Technology at Banner Health, and formerly Senior Manager eChannel Products at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, has faced many of these same challenges in his career. He has found that having a toolset that’s streamlined, agile, and easy to use is vital to simplifying operational tasks while delivering engaging consumer content.

“By taking advantage of a robust technology foundation, we were able to build the backbone for dynamic, consumer-driven experiences,” Delgadillo says. “The technology will enable us to create a unified solution to meet multiple customer engagement needs from analytics to social media. Having this backbone gives you the strategic framework to put all the right pieces in place.”

In other words, with the right tools for a consumer-driven digital engagement strategy, you can deliver personalized experiences to today’s savvy and discerning health consumers, while saving time and money.

Find out how by attending our upcoming webinar, “Enabling Digital Engagement: Best Practices for Creating Digital Consumer Engagement in a Changing Health Industry,” on Wednesday, August 19, at 2:00 P.M. Eastern Time/11:00 A.M. Pacific Time.

During the webinar, Amy and Elevsis will discuss real-world strategies, trends, and lessons learned in creating an efficient, more customer-centric approach to digital channels.

And if you can’t make the webinar, please feel free to reach out to us with questions or to share your own consumer engagement success story. Send us an email or let us know on Facebook or via Twitter.