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Brazilian hospital reduces length of stay and mortality rates with analytics insights

Last month I visited several health systems in Brazil. It was great to see how health organizations with varying levels of resources and infrastructure are using advanced analytics to improve care and efficiency.

One of the most impressive uses of Advanced Analytics to improve quality of care I saw was during my visit to Hospital Estadual Getúlio Vargas. It’s a public hospital that serves the citizens of Rio, including the poorest of the poor. They are a primary intake site for trauma which constantly feeds their 22 bed ICU with an almost endless stream of patients in need of intensive care.


Despite stretched resources, Hospital Estadual Getúlio Vargas is doing an amazing job of using advanced analytics to improve care and treat more patients desperately in need of medical services. I had the privilege of meeting some of the forward-thinking people who are leading the charge, including ICU Director Dr. Giulliana Moralez and neurointensivist Dr. Bruno Vidal.

Using an analytics solution for ICU quality improvement from Microsoft partner Epimed Solutions, their team evaluate care and treatment patterns for ICU patients resulting in process improvements with impressive results. They shortened the length of stay (LOS) for ICU patients by just over three days. And they reduced mortality rates for ICU patients by approximately 21 percent.

Reducing ICU LOS means they free up critical care beds sooner and are able treat more patients in their 22-bed ICU. Their application of analytics means the hospital can now serve nearly two more patients per ICU bed monthly.

It was incredibly inspiring to see firsthand the great work that’s being done at Hospital Estadual Getúlio Vargas, led by Dr. Moralez and Dr. Vidal. Their story is a powerful example of how analytics can make a real impact for better healthcare in almost any situation.

Special thanks to Dr. Jorge Saluh from Epimed, Francisco Sapori Jr., Health Industry Director, Latin America, Microsoft, and Miguel Dias, Healthcare Lead at Microsoft for their work helping health systems like Hospital Estadual Getúlio Vargas use advanced analytics to improve the health of Brazilians.

What’s your analytics story? Please share it with us email, Facebook, or Twitter. And please also let us know if you have any questions or need help with improving care and efficiency using today’s advanced analytics such as Cortana Analytics Suite.