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Empowering providers and patients | transforming healthcare with more personalized, proactive post-acute care coordination

As the use of cloud and digital technologies grow in the healthcare industry, it will transform how healthcare payers, providers, and patients interact with the health system. Over the coming months, we’ll be blogging about some of the groundbreaking ways that Microsoft and partner technologies are transforming healthcare. Today’s blog post features Tribridge, a Microsoft partner helping healthcare providers use cloud technology to dramatically improve individual and population health outcomes while reducing costs.

Today, many fundamentals of the healthcare landscape are rapidly changing. In the US in particular, the shift from a fee-for-service model to value-based care is forcing organizations to rethink care. Fortunately, today’s technology is opening up new ways to tackle these challenges in a cost-effective manner that improves health outcomes. With modern tools, health professionals can more efficiently take better care of more people, empower people to take better care of themselves, and enable a sustainable healthcare model — one where they can improve patient care and clinician satisfaction, while also prudently managing financial resources.

It’s time for more personalized, proactive care
Effectively coordinating patient care is the key to solving many of today’s most pressing healthcare challenges. Bridging the information gap between all parties — care providers, facilities, and the patient, across different organizations and locations — with modern cloud and mobile technology, disparate providers become a cohesive, coordinated team capable of providing personalized, proactive care.

Effective care coordination helps organizations reach big-picture population health goals one personalized care plan at a time. Care coordination solutions enable better-orchestrated health services across different settings, proactive patient engagement that encourages people to take good care of themselves, and tailored care and experiences for more patients despite stretched resources.

Transformative care coordination in action
Consider the example of Dave, a patient with hypertension, who has a personal goal to be free from taking prescription drugs. Dave and his nurse meet remotely for routine checkups, and together they update his personalized care plan. He has been monitoring his blood pressure at home and has developed better exercise and nutrition habits as a result of the coaching received from his care team members. Although his care plan is based on best practice guidelines, his team has personalized the plan based on Dave’s demographic, clinical, preferential, behavioral, and even social information to create something just for him.

Dave takes his blood pressure daily. One morning, his reading is much higher than normal. Dave’s nurse receives an immediate alert on her dashboard and is able to place a call with Dave to assess the situation. The nurse has access to all of Dave’s historical readings and is able to quickly determine that his home device needs to be recalibrated. Once complete, Dave takes another reading which falls into his normal range. Dave is comforted with a real-time response to his health concern and an inappropriate and costly intervention is avoided.

The Tribridge Health360 Care Coordination solution, built on Microsoft cloud technology, delivers transformative healthcare experiences for patients and providers today, while improving population health and reducing costs for tomorrow.

Tribridge Health360 Care Coordination is a software-as-a-service offering that leverages Microsoft technology investments like Azure and Dynamics 365 to enable proactive, personalized patient engagement and care coordination across the care continuum. Health360 makes the best use of data from existing health IT systems, empowering care team members to spend more time impacting more patients; efficiently and personally.

Care Coordination is not only a powerful tool for achieving personalized care for individuals, but for achieving larger population health goals. As providers implement the solution for many individual patients, they collect data on the population level across a health network or national health system. In order to maximize positive health outcomes through early interventions, medical centers can use Care Coordination to proactively identify at-risk segments of the population and reach out to potential treatment candidates. Care Coordination enables providers to create the highest quality treatment plans possible by combining best practices with personalization. All of this helps to enable better health outcomes for individuals and the population at large while reducing costs.

Microsoft and Tribridge can help your organization connect with patients and promote innovation in today’s increasingly digital world. Unlock your potential today with the Tribridge Health360 Care Coordination solution. Learn more about the solution and try the preview now on the AppSource marketplace.