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3 min read

Every immune system has a story to tell; the key is knowing how to listen 

Learning how to listen to immune systems was the challenge that united Microsoft and Seattle-based Adaptive Biotechnologies one year ago. We set out to completely transform the way we diagnose, monitor and treat disease by creating a universal blood test to scan the body for past and present signs of infections, cancers and autoimmune diseases.

3 min read

Microsoft Health Innovation Awards 2019 

The Microsoft Health Innovation Awards 2019 are now open for submission! Submission Deadline:  Friday, January 18, 2019, 5 p.m. PST  Awards presented during the Microsoft Health Forum at HIMSS, Orlando, Wednesday February 13th, 2019 For your convenience a working document is available for use, here.  Please note, all entries must be submitted online. Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology,

2 min read

Microsoft and HBA: Promoting the impact of women in healthcare 

Microsoft Health is proud to announce its Corporate Membership in the Health Businesswomen’s Association (HBA), a global nonprofit organization comprised of individuals and organizations from across the healthcare industry.

2 min read

Improving patient care through AI and blockchain: Part 2 

Whether you’re interested in using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to drive better health outcomes, reduce your operational costs, or improve fraud detection, one way you can better unlock these capabilities is through leveraging blockchain.

4 min read

Improving patient care through AI and blockchain: Part 1 

Building higher quality models in almost all cases can be done better through collaboration across a consortium of healthcare organizations instead of any one organization going at it alone. Using blockchain can help to address this issue and unlock the power of AI for healthcare organizations.

4 min read

Your cheat sheet to next-gen patient experience 

[msce_cta layout=”image_center” align=”center” linktype=”blue” imageurl=”” linkurl=”″ linkscreenreadertext=”Download the e-book now” linktext=”Download the e-book now” imageid=”30685″ ][/msce_cta] Today’s consumers are used to engaging with businesses on their own terms, whether that’s online banking or shopping via an app or mobile device with a few clicks. While this consumerization may have started in other industries such as