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New approaches for using the cloud to advance PLM capabilities

Aras PLM 300As the intersection of manufacturing and technology becomes more and more integrated, we are truly beyond the tipping point of digital disruption with Industry 4.0. Advanced technologies such as IoT, intelligence, and cloud are all transforming the way manufacturing companies deliver value in new and ground-breaking ways. From impacting product design, to accelerating time to market, to improving supply chain collaboration, to supporting IoT scenarios for connected products, the cloud can have a transformative impact on the PLM industry.

Essential to this transformation is how information flows between departments, IT systems, engineering, and even different enterprises. Data, with unprecedented volume, variety, and velocity must interoperate so that it becomes actionable information that flows to where its value creates streamlined, automatic results. Manufactures must be able to connect a broad range of capabilities across their PLM platform that spans decades of investment, take into account increasing cybersecurity concerns, and foster better easier collaboration between humans and machines. Cloud computing is the backbone for enabling these kinds of ecosystems of intelligence.

The question is, how can manufacturers combine existing PLM environments with the cloud to transform their business to drive better results?

That is the topic we will address on June 15 at 2 p.m. ET/11 a.m. PT in a live webinar hosted by Aras Corporation. I am pleased to be joined by Jeffrey Hojlo, program director of product innovation at IDC, to explore trends around how global enterprises can maximize their use of the cloud in PLM.

In this webinar we will discuss the market dynamics affecting PLM requirements at global companies, the different conditions and circumstances in which the cloud works well with PLM, and new approaches for using the cloud to address specific challenges.

It’s sure to be a lively discussion, so I hope you can join us. You can learn more and register for the webinar here.

LinkedIn: Simon Floyd

Twitter: @FloydInnovation