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1 min read

Reference Architecture Framework for Discrete Manufacturing 

These are unprecedented times for the Automotive & Electronics industries. In the “new normal,” the biggest challenges that manufacturers face revolve on operational efficiency, agility across innovation, operations and business strategies, and drawing tangible benefits out of deeper business insights.

1 min read

How Delphi Automotive transformed its business model with connected-car services 

Over the past year on this blog, my team and I have talked a lot about the exciting opportunities today’s technology innovations are creating in the manufacturing world—the opportunities for manufacturers to improve operations, to reinvent productivity, to more quickly bring products to market, and even to completely transform business models.

1 min read

ABB and Microsoft put electric cars on a cloud 

The electric vehicle (EV) market is growing rapidly. Yet worldwide there are currently just 106,000 public EV charging stations for more than 1 million EVs. As the industry powers up to meet demand, global revenue from EV charging services is projected to grow from $152.6 million last year to $2.9 billion by 2023, according to Navigant Research. This represents a huge opportunity for companies to capture that revenue through new products, improved scalability and reduced maintenance costs.