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2 min read

How IoT enables smart agriculture 

In my last blog, I shared a powerful story of how ThyssenKrupp Elevator is driving an Industry 4.0-type transformation. We are observing similar kind of digital transformation within industries like agriculture, too. The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the way we grow and cultivate our food.

2 min read

No smart factory without the right gear 

The concept of Industry 4.0 and the idea of the smart factory have been discussed so often that you might have started to tire of all the ‘buzz’ around it.

3 min read

Intelligent engagement 

The manufacturing industry has always embraced change. Examples of this include Henry Ford driving the introduction of the assembly line to automobile manufacturing,

2 min read

Icertis Named a “Cool Vendor” by Gartner 

certis Contract Management (ICM) provides customers with a robust set of capabilities to manage sell-side, buy-side, and corporate contracts on a single platform. Delivered on the cloud, ICM is a truly modern system, built for today's agile enterprise - easy to use, highly configurable, and quick to deploy. Its rich analytics and the reporting features of the product help managers quantify contractual performance, increase negotiation intelligence, and uncover hidden value in contracts.