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4 min read

Telco inspiration at the Digital Transformation World Series 

As I write this, the 2021 edition of the TM Forum Digital Transformation World Series is underway, with a packed agenda of live and on-demand sessions featuring an extensive roster of telecommunications business leaders and visionaries. I’m always energized by the DTWS and the numerous opportunities it provides to learn from and be inspired by

4 min read

5 essential business outcomes for media and telco organizations 

Over the past 18 months, organizations in media & entertainment and telecommunications turned to digital technologies for the resilience and agility necessary to maintain business continuity and, in many instances, simply survive. With a host of lessons now learned—and with a marketplace that has been forever changed—the urgency for these two industries to continue to

7 min read

Digital experiences drive new revenue and differentiation for Telcos 

Like 72 percent of organizations1, Telcos have long had customer experience (CX) top of mind and been investing to drive revenue growth. In 2008, when I started my career as a Telecom consultant, my first project “Data is Key” set to identify the data key to power a new business intelligence (BI) engine. This engine,

6 min read

5 ways Media and Telco organizations have transformed 

As Microsoft’s fiscal year 2021 comes to an end, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank our customers, our partners, and the media & entertainment and telecommunications communities at large for what has been an amazing journey over the last 12 months.  Your commitment to the ongoing transformation of these two industries—and what we’ve

4 min read

Fuel automation and innovation with Power Apps for the Telco Industry 

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Telecommunications Accelerator expands the Common Data Model to include 16 new attributes based on a subset of the specifications of the TM Forum Open Digital Framework and in response to input provided by Microsoft’s broad ecosystem of Telecommunications ISV and System Integrator partners. Like the seven other industry accelerators already published,

4 min read

The Network: Media, entertainment, and telecommunications transformed 

We’re excited to share The Network, Microsoft’s first podcast series for the media, entertainment, and telecommunications (telco) industries. The world has changed a lot in the past year, but much of that change has been driven by trends that began as long as a decade ago. As Microsoft’s global Director of Marketing for both M&E

4 min read

Reflecting on a year of transformation for media and telco 

As we approach one full year since the restrictions and disruptions in response to the pandemic took their full effect here in the U.S., I find myself reflecting on all that has occurred during that time, and how business—and perhaps life in general—has been forever changed. As I’m sure is the case with all of

3 min read

Empowering the telco journey to the cloud 

Recently I had the pleasure of hosting Microsoft’s most recent Telecommunications digital forum. The focus of this 60-minute online event was empowering the telco journey to the cloud, with a focus on the migration of data and business support system (BSS) workloads to realize operational efficiencies, simplify organization-wide access to insights, and better inform new

5 min read

Top use cases for IoT-enabled by 5G 

5G opens the doors for new enterprise IoT cases. The fifth-generation cellular standard offers increased security, support for large numbers of connected, low-power devices, and both low-latency and higher-speed performance. However, building an end-to-end IoT solution with cellular connectivity is complex. It requires expertise in embedded systems, connectivity, real-time, time series-based systems, antenna design, cloud

4 min read

4 TM Forum Catalysts that are accelerating innovation 

TM Forum’s Catalyst program is always fertile ground for innovation and collaboration across the telecommunications solution and service provider ecosystem. The telco team at Microsoft is participating in four of the latest Catalyst projects that address a diverse set of compelling topics: an enhanced developer experience, gamified customer journeys through a dynamic partner ecosystem and

5 min read

How Cloudonomics can streamline your business support systems 

Cloudonomics? What’s that? Good question—In the telecommunications world, the most obvious definition comes from the savings obtained by moving network and IT stacks to the cloud. As for the numbers involved, it really depends on who you talk to. But one thing they have in common is scale. A figure of 80 percent CapEx saving

3 min read

Accelerating the digitization of telecommunications 

Despite lingering CSP hesitancy over cloud migration of corporate IT, OSS/BSS, and network applications, the telecommunications industry decision-makers surveyed and interviewed for a recent TM Forum report were able to provide more reasons for deploying workloads in public clouds than against. What’s more, those surveyed cited a number of specific benefits for deploying these workloads