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Achieving our mission

Microsoft’s Standards of Business Conduct (our “Trust Code”) will show you how to apply our culture and values to build and preserve trust with our customers, governments, investors, partners, representatives, and each other, so we can achieve our mission.

Read our Trust Code

Click all Trust headings below to view the entire code.
Two men working at a profit-for-purpose company in South Africa having a discussion.

Trust with our customers

Our ability to meet people and organizations where they are, with what they want and need, is our path to success. Our customers must be at the center of everything we do. Look for ways to engage our customers, advocate for them, and empower them to achieve more.

When making decisions, ask yourself: does this build or harm trust with our customers?

How to build trust:

    • By following local privacy and data protection laws.
    • By providing clear and accurate privacy notices when collecting or processing personal data, including employee personal data.
    • By honoring privacy choices by using customer data to provide the services customers have agreed to.
    • By protecting our customers’ data through building secure products and services.

    Learn more

    Privacy Policy (internal only)
    Privacy principles


    • By refusing to offer or pay bribes or kickbacks to anyone.
    • By prohibiting corrupt payments of all kinds, including payments to secure permits or approvals, and small payments to speed up a routine government process (often known as a “facilitating payment”).
    • In any deal, we will avoid hidden terms or arrangements and reduce complexity wherever possible, because transparent transactions reduce the risk of a bribe or kickback.
    • By using partners that have a reputation for integrity, and reporting signs that a representative is unethical or could be paying a bribe.
    • By making sure that any gifts, hospitality, or travel we offer to government officials or customers are reasonable and appropriate, and pre-approved where necessary.
    • By hiring candidates based on their merits, and not make hiring decisions to benefit a customer or government official.
    • If we make charitable donations, we will do so to support a legitimate charitable cause, not as part of an exchange of favors.

    Learn more

    Anti-Corruption Policy
    Giving Gifts, Hospitality & Travel to Government Officials (internal only)
    Commitment to anti-corruption and anti-bribery

    • By avoiding any formal or informal agreements with competitors that limit competition.
    • By respecting competitive bidding processes, and not rigging or fixing the outcomes or helping anyone else do so.
    • By not dictating the prices that our independent channel partners charge their customers.
    • By gathering competitive intelligence using only appropriate resources, being truthful, and not misrepresenting who we are.

    Learn more

    Competitive Intelligence Policy (internal only)
    Microsoft Fair Competition Policy (internal only)

    • By delivering impact for the Security Core Priority.
    • By completing and applying learnings from required training, including Security Foundations and the Trust Code (Standards of Business Conduct) course.
    • By learning about the Microsoft Secure Future Initiative (SFI) framework and objectives.
    • By prioritizing security in your own work, and anticipating and implementing secure approaches to products, processes, and tools in alignment with our Secure Future Initiative (SFI).
    • By using MSProtect to learn more about how you can contribute to securing Microsoft.
    • By reporting any suspicious or malicious cyber activity, concerns regarding the integrity of our systems and data, and any suspected digital or physical security violations and vulnerabilities via Report It Now.

    Learn More:

     Security Core Priority (internal only)

    Microsoft Security Policy (internal only)

    Secure Future Initiative

    Report It Now (internal only)

    MSProtect (internal only)

Two female politicians talking in a government building.

Trust with government and communities

Achieving our mission depends on governments and communities knowing that we will follow the laws and customs of the countries where we operate, and respect human rights across the globe.

When making decisions, ask yourself: does this foster trust with governments and communities?

How to build trust:

    • By following the laws and regulations of the U.S. and of all the places where we operate.
    • By being honest and transparent in our discussions with government representatives and officials.
    • By responding truthfully, appropriately, and promptly to government inquiries requests for information.
    • By respecting and complying with global trade controls and economic sanctions that prohibit us from doing business with certain countries, governments, entities, and individuals.
    • By observing and complying with laws that govern how our technology may be distributed and used internationally.

    Learn more 

    Worldwide Trade Compliance Policy (internal only)
    TradeNet (internal only)


    • By including and learning from people with a range of perspectives, designing inclusively and putting people in the center from the very start of the design process.
    • By making our products accessible to all users, including users with vision, hearing, learning, mobility, mental health, age-related, sensory, and speech disabilities.

    Learn more

    Accessibility Portal (internal only)

    Accessibility Academy (internal only)

    Accessibility Policy (internal only)


    • We believe that in the long run, our presence and responsible engagement with people, governments, and other stakeholders in countries with significant human rights challenges often holds greater promise for the advancement of human rights.
    • We respect and advocate for the rule of law and human rights under international laws, principles, and norms.
    • We respect the rights to freedom of expression and privacy on all of our online services. 
    • When we face requirements from governments to provide user data or remove content, we verify whether the government demands are valid, binding, and otherwise comply with the rule of law.
    • We conduct due diligence to assess the impact of our technologies on human rights.  We learn from stakeholders to challenge our thinking, develop, and refine our policies and practices, and improve our technologies and how we provide them to fulfill our commitment to human rights.

    Learn more

    Our commitment to human rights

    • By following the Microsoft Responsible AI Standard when developing and deploying AI technologies.
    • By reporting Sensitive Uses to the Office of Responsible AI and following the guidance you receive.
    • By asking for help when in need of additional guidance. 

    Learn More web links:

    Office of Responsible AI (internal)

    Microsoft Responsible AI Policy (internal)

    Report a Sensitive Use (internal)

    Microsoft Responsible AI Principles (external)

    Microsoft’s Responsible AI Standard (external)

Two female tech workers collaborate in a common office space.

Trust with each other

The strongest contributions come from teams who trust each other—those that can be open, honest, and constructive with one another. It takes all of us working together to cultivate an atmosphere of mutual respect, inclusion, and collaboration.

When making decisions, ask yourself: does this improve how we work together as One Microsoft?

How to build trust:

    • By providing equal employment opportunities to all qualified candidates and employees.
    • By not discriminating based on age, ancestry, color, family or medical care leave, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, protected veteran status, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances.
    • By remaining committed to hiring people with disabilities and providing reasonable accommodations to qualified employees.
    • By examining our unconscious biases and taking steps to create an inclusive culture that makes every employee feel welcome.

    Learn more

    Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (internal only)

    Global diversity and inclusion


    • By treating others with respect and not tolerating harassment or discrimination.
    • By integrating sound safety and health practices into our operations and complying with workplace safety regulations.
    • By resolving problems respectfully, and never resorting to acts or threats of violence.
    • By not working under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

    Learn more

    Anti-Harassment and Discrimination Policy (internal only)

    Entertainment Policy (internal only)

    Workplace Violence Policy (internal only)

    Drug-free Workplace Policy (internal only)


    • By acting in the best interests of Microsoft. 
    • By avoiding or withdrawing from situations where a personal relationship or financial interest in another company might influence how we make decisions in our jobs. 
    • By understanding that a conflict of interest can exist even if we are convinced that our decisions will not be affected by the outside relationship. 
    • When conflicts of interest arise, by disclosing them and getting advice or approval. 
    • Before taking on outside work, ensuring that the work does not harm Microsoft’s business interests or break any employee agreements we have signed. 

    Learn more

    Conflicts of Interest Policy (internal only)

    Conflicts of Interest Approval Tool (internal only)

    Outside Work Policy (internal only)

A male business professional in a large foyer is on a mobile device.

Trust with our investors and the public

Our investors must have confidence that we will create value for them in a responsible and thoughtful way. Earn their trust by protecting our assets and information, accurately stating where we are headed as a company, and honestly communicating with them and the public.

When making decisions, ask yourself: does this strengthen or harm Microsoft’s reputation with investors and the public?

How to build trust:

    • By never buying or selling any securities based on material, nonpublic information of Microsoft or acquired through our employment.
    • By never giving someone else (for example, a friend, spouse, or broker) a “tip” regarding material, non-public information.
    • By never recommending or suggesting that anyone else trade in securities based on material, nonpublic information of Microsoft or acquired through or our employment, even if we are not sharing the information itself.


    Learn more


    Insider Trading Policy (internal only)

    Restricted Trading Window Policy (internal only)

    • We honestly and accurately record and report financial transactions and business information, following applicable laws, regulations, and accounting practices. 
    • We are transparent about our commitments to our partners and customers, and our written contracts reflect the actual economics of the deal. 
    • We don’t make side agreements or other “off-the-book” arrangements. 
    • We use standard agreements and contracting processes or get approval for custom terms. 
    • We execute financial transactions only with appropriate authorization and record them in compliance with Microsoft’s accounting practices. 
    • The CEO, CFO, Corporate Controller, and other employees in the finance organization comply with the Finance Code of Professional Conduct. 
    • When we retain and dispose of documents, we follow established corporate retention requirements that meet our legal obligations and long- term business needs. 


    Learn more


    Finance Code of Professional Conduct (internal only)

    Custom and Side Agreements (internal only)

    Document Retention Policy (internal only)

    • We make full, accurate, and timely financial disclosures in reports and documents we submit to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and in other public statements. 
    • We listen carefully to feedback and questions from investors and other stakeholders. 
    • We do not speak on behalf of the company unless authorized to do so; we direct analyst and media inquiries to Investor Relations or Public Relations. 
    • We make sure that any communications about our products and services are honest and accurate. 
    • If we endorse our products and services on social media, we make our company affiliation clear and state our honest opinion or belief about the endorsed product or service. 
    • Our advertising and promotional material are accurate and free from false claims.


    Learn more


    Financial Information Disclosure Policy (internal only)

    Social Media Guidelines (internal only)

    Public Advocacy Policy (internal only)

    • By spending Microsoft’s funds wisely and guarding against waste and abuse. 
    • By exercising good judgment when using company-provided technology resources and using them for personal reasons in accordance with company policy and only if it does not interfere with our job responsibilities or harm our work environment. 
    • By using our corporate accounts and services, not personal accounts or services, for business correspondence and data.
    • By understanding that business-related data is Microsoft’s property, and that it may be accessed, preserved, and reviewed in accordance with our policies and applicable laws. 


    Learn more


    Responsible Use of Technology Policy (internal only)

    Expense Policy (internal only)

    • By using best practices to protect access to confidential information, and avoiding discussing it in common spaces, or with colleagues who don’t need to know it. 
    • By not using confidential information for non-Microsoft business use and maintaining confidentiality even if we stop working for Microsoft. 
    • By preserving Microsoft’s own intellectual property rights through copyrights, trademarks, and other forms of intellectual property that protect the value of our innovation. 
    • By respecting the confidentiality and intellectual property rights of others, and not using use others’ confidential information without authorization. 
    • By not using or copying third-party copyrighted materials, like software, graphics, videos, and music, without a license or permission from CELA.


    Learn more


    Confidential Information Policy (internal only)

    Copyright Policy (internal only)

Two female workers having a discussion outside an office building.

Trust with our representatives

We hold ourselves to high ethical standards, and we expect our representatives, who are the partners, vendors, consultants, and other companies who work on our behalf, to meet the standards we set for ourselves. We earn trust with our representatives when we return value to them, and don’t ask them to do anything we would not do ourselves.

When making decisions, ask yourself: will this strengthen our long-term working relationship with our representatives and customers?

How to build trust:

    • By understanding our representatives’ qualifications and reputation before we engage them to work on our behalf.
    • By understanding the reasons for including a particular representative in a deal or transaction, and only do so where it’s appropriate. 
    • By cultivating trust with our representatives and never asking or suggesting that they do things that are not allowed under the law or our policies. 
    • By not pressuring partners or resellers to place orders for products or services they do not want or need, and by not retaliating against them if they refuse to do so. 
    • By reporting signs that a representative could be engaging in corrupt or unethical behavior while representing Microsoft.


    Learn more


    Trustworthy Representative Policy (internal only)

    Ethical Sales Policy (internal only)

    • By developing positive relationships free of corruption and commercial bribery. 
    • When offering or accepting gifts, hospitality, or travel, by making sure they are reasonable, appropriate, and have a legitimate business purpose. 
    • By not giving or accepting cash. 
    • By not soliciting gifts, hospitality, or travel from third parties, or making them feel obligated to provide something in order to do business with us. 
    • By not asking a representative, like a partner or supplier, to give gifts, hospitality, or travel on our behalf. 


    Learn more


    Giving Gifts, Hospitality, and Travel to Government Officials Policy (internal only)

    Giving Gifts, Hospitality, and Travel to Commercial Recipients Policy (internal only)

    Accepting Gifts, Hospitality, and Travel Policy (internal only)

    • By selecting the best suppliers for the job, and by carefully considering their proven track record, reputation for integrity, and other merits—not based on favoritism. 
    • By working to eliminate child labor, human trafficking, and other labor abuses in our supply chain.


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    Supplier Contracting Policy (internal only)

    Procurement Policy (internal only)

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Upholding our Trust Code

Employees are expected to uphold this Trust Code, Microsoft policies, and the law. This means you must:

  • Read, understand, and comply

    Read, understand, and comply with this Trust Code, and the policies, laws, and regulations that apply to your job.

  • Speak up

    Speak up when we see possible violations of the Trust Code, Microsoft policies, and legal and regulatory requirements.

  • Be truthful

    Be truthful and cooperate fully in any internal investigations. Do not conceal or destroy information.

  • Complete training

    Complete training on the Trust Code, and attest that you understand and commit to comply with the Trust Code. Failing to read or attest to the Trust Code does not excuse you from these responsibilities.

As a leader, you have a special responsibility for setting the culture and the work environment for your team.

The way you make decisions, and handle concerns, different opinions, and even bad news, will set the foundation for trust with your teams, customers, and stakeholders. Your success and the success of your team depends on the trust you build together. Take these simple steps to build a culture of trust and integrity on your team:

  • Communicate

    Communicate regularly the importance of ethics and integrity to your team and be clear that you expect work to be done ethically.

  • Model

    Lead by example, by modeling ethical decision-making and good judgment.

  • Question

    Ensure your team knows that for results to matter, they must be achieved the right way. Then, ask questions and satisfy yourself that results have been achieved the right way.

  • Listen

    Make sure your team knows you will listen, even if they have something difficult to say.

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Microsoft’s Standards of Business Conduct and its Compliance and Ethics Program are endorsed by and have the full support of Microsoft’s Board of Directors. The Board of Directors and management are responsible for overseeing the Compliance and Ethics Program and compliance with these Standards. These Standards apply to Microsoft, its Board of Directors, and all employees, directors, executive officers of Microsoft. When we refer to “Microsoft” we mean Microsoft Corporation and all its subsidiaries and affiliates in which it directly or indirectly owns more than 50% of the voting controls. References to “employees” include the Board of Directors, employees, directors, and executive officers of Microsoft. Only the Board of Directors may waive a provision of these Standards for a director or executive officer. Any waiver that is granted to a director or executive officer will be publicly disclosed as required by NASDAQ listing requirements and applicable laws, rules, and regulations. These Standards are important to us. Violation of these Standards may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. ​Employees are expected to always exercise common sense and good judgment and to act responsibly, irrespective of the existence of a policy that prohibits specific behavior.

Nicole Walters from the SBC training video wearing a red blazer is looking off to the distance in thought.

Speak up when something is not right, so that we can address the problem.

A group of office workers sit around a conference table having a discussion.

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