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The Microsoft Customer Agreement

This is the second post in the Microsoft Customer Agreement series

The Microsoft Customer Agreement with support from our partners

October 15, 2020

Organizations looking to transform digitally know that more than ever, the speed of innovation can make the difference between growth or decline. We understand you want better ways to balance the pace of innovation and the need for agility while managing costs, maintaining control, and meeting unflinching standards around security and compliance.

We designed the Microsoft commerce experience with our partners in mind. Their goal is to ease the digital transformation, and make it easier for you to buy and manage cloud services. Partners can build unique solutions to address virtually any customer scenario with the latest Microsoft services and offers. They can help you save time and money by assessing business goals, identifying solutions, and helping customers become more agile and efficient.

Partners can also help you take full advantage of the Microsoft cloud, turning ideas into opportunities to boost performance and growth. And now, partners in the Cloud Solution Provider program can streamline a customer’s purchase experiences with a single digital agreement, the Microsoft Customer Agreement.

In 2019, Microsoft introduced buying Azure from partners in the Cloud Solution Provider program through the Microsoft Customer Agreement, with the new Azure plan offer available to customers who sign the new customer agreement. By inviting your partner into your Azure environment, they can oversee all aspects of your purchase and use of Azure to make recommendations to optimize your Azure environment.

Visit our Microsoft solution provider page to help you locate a partner with capabilities suited for your business needs, including solutions, services, skills, industry, and more.

Next month, we’ll go deeper into the Microsoft Customer Agreement and compare it to other licensing programs, including the Enterprise Agreement.