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June 12, 2023

Writer’s Block? Try Using AI To Enhance Your Writing

Even the world’s greatest writers suffer from writer’s block from time to time. When it happens, you can feel like a sailboat without a breeze. The key to beating writer’s block isn’t knowing how to avoid it but what to do when it comes.

A person in a striped shirt researching Ai writing tools on a laptop.

So, how can you use artificial intelligence (AI) to your advantage when you find writer’s block creeping in? An AI writing assistant is a great place to get started when working through the block. In this guide, we’ll talk about how your AI writing helper can support you by:

  • Giving you great ideas.
  • Creating writing prompts.
  • Offering suggestions for a difficult scene.
  • Getting started on research.
  • Doing more research.
  • Getting help analyzing data.
  • Using AI to proofread your work.
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Let’s look deeper at how AI can help you with each

Get great ideas. Coming up with something great to write about isn’t always easy. There are plenty of tools across the internet to help you come up with your next big idea, but they usually provide only contemporary ideas and often require an understanding of trends and audience reading habits. You can use AI to help you come up with great ideas for evergreen topics that will still be relevant in five years when a new reader finds your blog.

Create writing prompts. If you have a topic to write about but are having trouble deciding on a single idea, look for a prompt to get the creative juices flowing. You can ask an AI chatbot for prompts to help you get started. However, it’s best to ask about evergreen topics because most AI chatbots are delayed in their information (as of early 2023, ChatGPT is limited to information 2021 and earlier). If you don’t like any of the prompts it gave you, ask again. You can continue asking for more prompts until one you like pops up.

Offer suggestions for a difficult scene. It’s not always easy putting the vision you have in your mind down on paper. For example, if you’re writing a book about an orphan on the streets in Victorian England, you’ll probably have to include a fight scene somewhere. This could be a challenge if you’ve never fought anyone before. Ask an AI chatbot for help writing a fight scene. Include specifics in your prompt about how many people might be involved, the setting, and who’s supposed to win. The AI bot will return many ideas that include terminology, certain aspects of the fight you’ll want to include, and other details you might not have thought about. You can use AI to help with any type of scene that’s giving you trouble.

Get started on research. Are you having trouble finding an angle for your blog post? You might not know enough about the topic you’ve chosen to write about. Do more research to gain a broader and deeper understanding of the subject and use an AI writing helper to get started. You’ll save tons of time scouring the internet to find reputable sources. Instead, you’ll have multiple talking points that can jumpstart your research.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re writing a short blog post about personal fitness or trying to wrap up your novel about a hero in the Old West; you can get writer’s block.”

Do more research. Sometimes it’s not writer’s block. Sometimes we simply don’t want to work. It’s normal. Shift your focus from writing to research. You can never have too much information for your writing, so take time to learn more. Let AI help you dig up new information you haven’t seen before to continue to broaden your understanding of the topic.

Get help analyzing data. You might have some great data that tells an amazing story, but you have no idea how to share it. Use AI to break down data, so it’s easier to digest. With an AI chatbot, you don’t have to make a complex request about what you’re asking, simply input your data into the software and ask it to interpret it. You’ll receive an explanation from the chatbot that helps you to make sense of the information. Of course, don’t take the explanation as gospel right away. You should use your own knowledge and judgment to decide whether the bot’s interpretation of the data is correct.

Use AI to proofread your work. Writer’s block can hit after we’ve written 400, 4,000, or 40,000 words. It doesn’t matter if you’re writing a short blog post about personal fitness or trying to wrap up your novel about a hero in the Old West; you can get writer’s block. Rather than hitting your head against the wall, take time to revise what you have. You’ll find that there are certain aspects you’ll want to change, and it’ll open the floodgates for fresh ideas coming through.

No matter how great a writer you are, you can get hit with writer’s block. Use an AI writing assistant to help you break through the doldrums and continue writing. Who knows? You might come up with some of your most prolific work!

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