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August 11, 2023

How To Get Started With Exercising

Knowing how to start exercising when you’re out of shape is half the battle. You need to figure out what kinds of exercises you want to do, how it fits into your schedule, and how to set goals.

Woman stands by a large window and stretches her arms and legs before she starts exercising

But why are these things important? We’ve highlighted a few of these exercise tips and others to make sure you have a good understanding of how to start exercising for beginners to get the best results. We’ll cover how to:

  • Talk to your doctor.
  • Find exercises you enjoy.
  • Put your workouts on your calendar.
  • Set goals for your goals.
  • Gradually build your endurance.
  • Give your body a chance to recover.
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Talk to your doctor.
This is often one of the most important exercise tips that get overlooked. If you’re starting exercise for the first time in a while, it’s a good idea to talk to your medical provider before you start to make sure your body is healthy enough for exercise. Your doctor can give you the go-ahead to let you know you’re free to exercise as you please. Or they might suggest you start easy and work your way up to a more rigorous activity. Regardless of your weight or body type, you might have a medical condition lying under the surface that can be exacerbated with overexertion during exercise.

Find exercises you enjoy.
Exercising doesn’t have to be a chore. The more you look forward to doing it, the more likely you will be to continue to make time for it in your schedule. Find exercises you enjoy. You can take a class, play basketball, box with a sparring partner, lift weights, run, or anything else. And don’t let anybody else dictate what’s an enjoyable workout for you. If you truly love to go running, don’t let somebody else yuck your yum and say that’s a terrible way to work out. To each their own, so find what’s your own and roll with it.

Put your workouts on your calendar.
You’re busy, so it’s easy to let things get in the way of your workouts. Whether you have a parent-teacher conference come up, or the cashier at the grocery store took too long to scan your groceries, it’s easy to tell yourself you’ll get to it later today, tomorrow, or (most likely) never. Put your workouts in your calendar so they have a designated time in your day. You’ll be much less likely to let things get in your way of getting to the gym or pushing play on the day’s workout video.

Set goals for your goals.
It’s important to make sure that you’re setting goals when starting to exercise because it helps to have a point of achievement. Yes, you can go to the gym a few times a week and lift weights, spend 20 minutes walking on the treadmill, and watch your caloric intake. But why are you doing it? Are you trying to lose weight? Do you want to train for a triathlon? Make sure that you have clear goals you want to achieve.

Once you’ve set your goals, create smaller goals that will help you get there. How often do you need to get to the gym to lose 10 pounds before your high school class reunion? How many miles do you need to run each week to get ready for the triathlon in April? Set clear goals that you can achieve weekly and monthly to reach your ultimate goal, whenever that might be. If you need some extra help, use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help answer your workout questions and build a plan.

“If you need some extra help, use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help answer your workout questions and build a plan!”

Gradually build your endurance.
If you’re just starting out as a beginner with exercise, you probably aren’t sure where your endurance is at for things like running, swimming, weight lifting, or anything else. If you haven’t run in several years (or ever), don’t head out the door and try to run five miles right away. Take time to build your endurance. Depending on your exercise plan, this could mean running short distances for a few weeks or starting with lighter weights than what you’d like. Slowly building your endurance is an important part of effective exercise while also avoiding injuries.

Give your body a chance to recover.
It’s easy to be overzealous when you start a new workout routine and carry that positivity into your workouts. No matter how excited you are to start working out, it’s important that you take the time to let your body recover. There are several ways you can approach recovery. Here are a few:

  • Don’t work the same muscles two days in a row
  • Take two or three rest days each week
  • Dedicate a day to stretching (this can be one of your off days)
  • Take five minutes to cool down after your workouts
  • Get good sleep
  • Hydrate

If it’s been a while and you want to know how to get started exercising when you’re out of shape, these tips can help. You’ll be able to put together a plan that will help you achieve your fitness goals now and in the future.

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