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March 29, 2024

What is literary fiction?

If you’ve ever perused the aisles of a bookstore, you’ve probably come across a section titled “literary fiction.” Both “literary” and “fiction” are broad terms that don’t refer to a specific genre of writing. However, when combined, they refer to stories that feature experimental prose and developed characters. Let’s dive into literary fiction and learn what makes it such an intriguing genre.

A stack of books

What does “literary fiction” mean?

In general, literary fiction is a broad genre that focuses on style, depth, and character development. Unlike genre fiction, which is often plot-driven and caters to a wide audience, literary fiction tends to appeal to a smaller, more intellectually curious readership. In general, literary fiction includes themes about current social and political issues and an overall introspective tone.

Literary fiction versus genre fiction

The distinction between literary fiction and genre fiction isn’t always clear-cut, as literary fiction can overlap with a variety of different genres. Genre fiction can include mystery, romance, science fiction, fantasy, and more. These stories are usually plot-heavy and generally adhere to the conventions of their genre. In contrast, literary fiction is less plot-driven and focuses more on character development. Unlike genre fiction, literary fiction deviates from convention, subverts popular tropes, and doesn’t always follow a clear structure. In addition, literary fiction often uses experimental and unconventional prose to tell a story.

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Examples of literary fiction

Literary fiction can include classic and contemporary novels. Examples of literary fiction include works by authors such as F. Scott Fitzgerald, Virginia Woolf, and Salman Rushdie. Their works are renowned for their intricate narratives, rich character development, thought-provoking themes, and social commentary. Stories like The Epic of Gilgamesh and Don Quixote are considered early works of literary fiction.

Sub-genres within literary fiction

The literary fiction genre is diverse and includes a variety of sub-genres, including literary realism, literary modernism, and literary postmodernism. Each of these sub-genres has its own unique characteristics and conventions, but all share a common focus on prose and themes about the human experience.

“In general, literary fiction includes themes about current social and political issues and an overall introspective tone.”

Commercial fiction versus literary fiction

While commercial fiction aims to entertain and captivate the reader with engaging plots and relatable characters, literary fiction seeks to provoke thought and elicit deeper intellectual and emotional responses. That doesn’t mean that one is superior to the other, but that they serve different purposes and cater to different audiences. In addition, the word “commercial fiction” is often used interchangeably with genre fiction.

Contemporary fiction versus literary fiction

Contemporary fiction refers to novels written in the present time that deal with current themes and issues. While contemporary fiction can be literary, not all literary fiction is contemporary. Literary fiction can be set in any era or take place across time, as it focuses more on style, theme, and character development.

Literary fiction is a rich and diverse genre that offers readers a deeper, more introspective reading experience. The next time you crack open a work of literary fiction, you’ll be challenged to think, feel, and see the world from different perspectives.

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