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Microsoft 365
August 11, 2023

How AI Is Assisting With Language Translation

A fan-favorite character in the Star Wars franchise is C-3PO, a protocol droid proudly “fluent in over six million forms of communication.” While we might not need six million forms of communication, advanced language learning artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to translate anything from video content to audio clips to restaurant menus. The concept of protocol droids has essentially been made a reality with AI language translation.

Two people in a thrift store using a tablet to help with purchasing some clothes.

AI translation is changing our everyday lives in more ways than many of us realize. In this article, we’ll highlight some of the following ways AI-based translation is used:

  • Digital content
  • Healthcare services
  • Hospitality and tourism
  • Language learning
  • Translation services
  • Government agencies
  • Customer service

Digital content. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and even YouTube often get a bad rap because of cyberbullying, depression from feelings of inadequacy, and wasting time. But the advent of social media has also made it much easier for people to connect with like-minded people all over the world. With help from AI language translation, it’s easier than ever to digitally connect with people from around the globe without having to be fluent in a new language.

Healthcare services. Rural areas don’t always have the availability of medical providers to serve a population with non-native English speakers. While many clinicians in these areas have hired bi-lingual office workers, AI translation can go a long way toward allowing medical providers to cast a wider net of service, which also helps patients to be more confident if English isn’t their first language. In addition, AI can also translate multiple languages while individuals may only speak two.

Hospitality and tourism. It’s not uncommon for hotel chains to have multiple versions of their websites set up in various languages to accommodate travelers from all over the world. But what happens if you want to stay in a bed and breakfast in the French countryside? They probably don’t have multiple versions of their website, and, while the staff likely speaks English, they might expect some level of French on your part. Enter AI-based translation. Not only can you translate the bed and breakfast’s website from French to English, but you can also confidently communicate with a translation app on your smartphone. It’s like having your own C-3PO while you travel the world— minus the snarky attitude. (It’s worth mentioning here that AI can help with your vacation before you even arrive! From finding you charming bed and breakfasts, to planning your itinerary and beyond.)

“It’s like having your own C-3PO while you travel the world—minus the snarky attitude.”

Faster language learning. Learning a language takes time. You can read through a book to learn how to conjugate verbs, structure adjectives, and everything else that comes with language, but hearing a pronunciation is one of the best ways to make sure you’re saying the word correctly. Similar to how you’ll run into homophones in English, there are some words that have similar pronunciations but mean completely different meanings (e.g., in Spanish, “perro” means “dog”, “pero” means “but”). You can learn a new language much faster with AI translation helping you with pronunciation.

Improve translation services. Some translation companies might be worried about AI putting them out of work. But innovators see a practical application for improved efficiency with AI. Utilizing AI software makes translating text, documents, websites and beyond, much quicker. But since most AI translators aren’t 100% accurate, it’s often a good idea to have a professional translator look it over, as well.

Government agencies. The United States has been called the melting pot of the world for well over a century, which means that there are many languages spoken across the country. It was tough for government agencies to adequately provide service to people who haven’t yet learned (or who are in the process of learning) English. AI can be used to help someone who needs assistance with things like getting an identification card or driver’s license, paying a fine, and a host of other tasks.

A group of people in a conference room using Teams to have a video call on a large screen.

Comprehensive customer service. Two of the most important departments in any business are the sales and customer service teams. They’re the bridge between the product or service and the rest of the company. AI translation services make it much easier for both teams to interact with a wider client or customer base than if they relied solely on the abilities of everyone in the company.

It’s easier than ever to break down communication barriers with those around us with the help of AI translation software. It doesn’t matter if we’re traveling the world or operating a business, AI allows effective communication without waiting on a translator, flipping through a pocket dictionary, or improvising hand gestures.

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