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Microsoft 365

DORMA delivers access to innovation for 7,000 global employees with Office 365

Today’s post was written by Matthew Boyd, public relations and communications executive for BrightStarr.

In October of 2014, DORMA, the trusted global partner for premium access solutions and services for enabling better buildings, approached BrightStarr with the goal of investing in the way they innovate into the future. DORMA has built its success over the past 100 years on innovation enabling them to provide the very best solutions for their clients. Today, with 7,000 globally distributed employees spread across over 50 countries, their intranet is the vehicle for driving that innovation, empowering staff with the digital tools they need to ideate and achieve success.

DORMA delivers Access to Innovation 1

When DORMA partnered with BrightStarr, they had a rapidly approaching internal International Group Conference and the BAU Trade Fair. These two events are the platforms where DORMA launches new and innovative products, and they wanted their new intranet delivered in time to support them with new social collaboration and sharing. They also wanted the new intranet to replace their numerous locally managed solutions, yet still deliver personalized and highly relevant content to users regardless of language or location.

DORMA decided that they would deploy the cutting-edge Office 365 Intranet as a service, Unily. In the words of Adrian Gagala, DORMA’s global intranet manager, “They were able to deliver access to innovation for all [their] people, taking [them] from zero to 100 in 60 working days—only possible with Unily and through the power of the Microsoft cloud. The Unily solution is built on Office 365, SharePoint Online and Azure, and it integrates all the best bits of the Office 365 platform into a unified enterprise portal, making it easier than ever for DORMA’s people to take full advantage of Office 365.

DORMA’s intranet delivers

The DORMA intranet delivers managed content, an intuitive CMS, Yammer integration and a host of other features to provide a full cloud, mobile and social intranet.

Personalized experiences, targeted content and multi-lingual functionality—The dynamic smartfeed on the intranet homepage draws information from news, blogs, company announcements and apps to populate a targeted digest of information that is specific to the user. Users manage content targeted at them by tagging their profile with terms from the corporate taxonomy, which is used to tag all content within the intranet. This targeting is also used for localized content through the addition of location terms.

These targeted intranet experiences are not limited by language or location. Users can set their primary language, changing all the intranet’s key navigation terms, and through the integration of Azure machine translation, have access to quick and cost-effective one-click translation, making content useful globally regardless of the language it has been uploaded in.

Intuitive and simple CMS—Managing all the content within the intranet has been made easier than ever through a unique interface on top of the SharePoint CMS. Simple processes allow content creators to focus on the information they are sharing, rather than the process of creating it, for expedient insights and best practices that can travel the business in minutes, not hours.

Yammer integration for enterprise social—Through deep Yammer integration, conversations can be started around all types of content in the intranet including news, stories, videos and documents. Group discussions and the Yammer All Company feed can be accessed within the intranet from the timeline.

People directory—DORMA’s people directory offers a clean card-style rollup with search refiners based on department, job title, skills and location. Profile pages provide a place for users to showcase their experience and also surface Yammer statistics such as number of followers. In addition, users can start real-time conversations with colleagues from directly within the intranet through Skype for Business integration.

Document management—The intranet has comprehensive document management capabilities including drag-and-drop upload to both SharePoint and OneDrive Pro. Version control delivers a single version of the truth globally and through metadata management, and SharePoint Search users can quickly and easily find what they need.

Mobile accessibility through responsive design and native mobile applications—Through responsive design, content within DORMA’s intranet dynamically rearranges itself to be consumable on any device maintaining exceptional user experiences. In addition, DORMA’s intranet features native mobile applications for iOS, Android and Windows Phone that can be downloaded from their respective apps stores. These native applications tie into the core functionality of the device, supporting tools like one-click calling from the people directory for quicker access to colleagues.

Analytics—Behind the scenes, DORMA’s intranet has a powerful analytics engine for real-time insights into how the solution is being used. This allows DORMA to track engagement and adoption as well as continue to build on the success of their solution.

DORMA was able to deploy a feature-full cloud, mobile and social intranet in the space of just 60 days—in time for the International Group Conference and the BAU Trade Fair. This made for a hugely successful launch supporting their biggest internal events with social conversations, news articles and insightful blogs. Their solution delivers personalized and localized intranet experiences ensuring content and information is relevant to each individual user, ultimately driving adoption, usage and ROI for the entire business.

Since implementation of the new solution, DORMA have seen an increase in global corporate news coverage of 654 percent. Deployment of their new unified solution has resulted in a 27 percent cost saving through the consolidation of existing SharePoint portals, and through the 60 day deployment timescale, they have saved a further 15 percent over traditional bespoke SharePoint solutions.

—Matthew Boyd