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Microsoft 365

WorkBoard + Microsoft Teams: Drive the business results you need now

Too often companies fail to meet their strategic goals because there is misalignment in the organization. Employees sometimes lack visibility into the company’s or department’s strategic objectives and key results (OKRs). The WorkBoard application for Microsoft Teams can help keep the entire business focused on your strategic priorities, so decisions and efforts focus on what matters.

Teams is the hub for teamwork in Microsoft 365, where you can chat, meet, call, and collaborate all in one place It’s easy to integrate WorkBoard with Teams to help you focus on making business decisions that align with company priorities.

View objectives, decisions, actions, and results all in one location

Organizations need to determine, communicate, and iterate strategic priorities—and get more risk and result transparency. WorkBoard’s strategy and results management solution brings all enterprise-wide business priorities and related facts, OKRs, and execution into one location that anyone can access.

A great example of how WorkBoard helps companies iterate and achieve their strategic priorities faster is Deutsche Telekom Detecon Group, the management consulting arm of Deutsche Telekom. As a globally distributed team, they needed a solution to help them define and align strategic priorities, map workstreams and projects to strategic results, and measure progress systematically. WorkBoard helped them drive their efforts.

“WorkBoard provides us with a way to be aligned, engaged, and easily working towards results at high velocity.”
—Philipp Schett, Director of Strategic Consulting, Deutsche Telekom Detecon Group

Bring strategic priorities into business conversations and daily line of sight

For employees who already spend much of their workday communicating and collaborating with coworkers in Teams, the WorkBoard integration keeps strategic priorities top of mind.

It’s easy to tie conversations back to strategic priorities through continuous access to WorkBoard’s business reviews and objectives, and key results. Employees can drop OKRs into a chat with colleagues to make real-time, fact-based decisions without ever leaving the thread.

Plan projects and meetings that keep you focused on strategic objectives

WorkBoard includes planning tools that can help you stay on track. Collaborative Kanban boards help you define and organize projects. Assigned actions, due dates, and status are transparent and available to stakeholders everywhere. When it’s time to meet, smart agendas make it easy to plan and host a meeting that is aligned to priorities.

“WorkBoard and Microsoft Teams integration gives us all the benefits of very cool tools with controls and information security we need.”
—Philipp Schett, Director of Strategic Consulting, Deutsche Telekom Detecon Group

Track and optimize progress on strategic priorities

WorkBoard is a data-driven solution that makes it simple to chart progress toward your key results. Easy-to-understand dashboards surface issues across the organization, enabling quick decision-making. And business reviews can be automated, with continuous, contextual results data. Everybody can access the same data in Teams, allowing you to measure results transparently and objectively.

Get started

WorkBoard is an enterprise solution that can help employees make business decisions that align with strategic priorities, to keep them moving toward the business results they need now.

Want to learn more? Request a demo! Not using Teams? Sign up for free!