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Microsoft 365 Blog

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Liberty Mutual launches an IT transformation 

“In a business where rapid change is the norm, we need to accelerate how we do business. We use Office 365 to expedite teamwork, break down barriers across functions and improve mobility and personal productivity.” —Learn how James McGlennon, executive VP and CIO at Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, is staying ahead of disruptors with Office 365 and an IT transformation.
3 min read

Microsoft StaffHub is here! 

Microsoft StaffHub—a new app designed to help staff workers manage their workday—is now available to Office 365 customers. Learn how Microsoft StaffHub enables staff workers to manage schedules, share information and connect to other work-related apps and resources.
2 min read

Flex—delivering supply chain innovation on a global scale with Office 365 

“The notion of continuous improvement is well established, but we wanted to make sure we’re capturing opportunities to enhance operations across every facet of our business, from the IT department to the factory floor. We’re supporting that effort with Microsoft Office 365.” —Read more from John Wrenn, VP of IT at Flex, to learn how the global manufacturer enabled a successful digital transformation with Office 365.
2 min read

Learn more about the insights in Microsoft MyAnalytics 

On today’s Microsoft Mechanics, we take a tour of the latest updates to Microsoft MyAnalytics. Catherine Pidgeon shares how to use MyAnalytics to improve work impact and success. Also, MyAnalytics will soon offer the ability to add external contacts, as well as give you the option of receiving an email digest of insights into how you spend your time and your interaction with colleagues and external contacts.
2 min read

Georgia State University tackles malware with Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection 

“The cyber security team at Georgia State University had noticed a steady uptick in malware attacks, particularly phishing, and it felt like we were fighting fires every day. To address the issue, we selected Advanced Threat Protection, because detection and protection against malware attacks would be handled within a Microsoft cloud environment.” —Read more from Ren Flot, chief information security officer and director of Cyber Security at Georgia State University.