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Microsoft 365 Blog

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2 min read

Analyze Office 365 data with Equivio Zoom 

eDiscovery capabilities powered by Equivio Zoom are coming soon to Office 365. Equivio Zoom will become available through a preview program starting in June, followed by a broader release before the end of this year. With Equivio Zoom you can better understand your Office 365 data and reduce your eDiscovery costs.
2 min read

Handwriting Search and Apple Watch support for OneNote 

Millions of people take handwritten notes in OneNote thanks to digital inking capabilities across popular devices including the iPad, Windows tablets and Android tablets. In fact, OneNote for Windows has supported handwriting recognition since 2006. Starting today, you can now search your handwritten notes that are in OneNote notebooks saved to OneDrive–just like you can search through typed text and text within images.
5 min read

OneNote Class Notebooks have redefined the instruction at my school 

I’ve seen “Send to OneNote” as a print option for over a decade. But until just over a year ago, it meant nothing to me. That is when the school board approved funding for the Going Digital initiative. OneNote has been a major player in our plan—from the first planning stages of Going Digital to teacher collaboration before the 1-to-1 rollout, to teacher and student communication in class.
4 min read

Office 2016 Public Preview now available 

Today we’re expanding the Office 2016 Preview, making it available to Office users everywhere in preparation for general availability in Fall 2015. Office 2016 previewers will get an early look at the next release of Office on Windows desktop, but more importantly they’ll help to shape and improve the future of Office. Visit the Office 2016 Preview site to learn more about the Preview program and if it’s right for you."
5 min read

Our secret weapon—OneNote for sharing, collaborating and assessing 

Living in the 21st century, the use of technology plays an important role in education. And I can understand why school leaders, educators, students and parents feel overwhelmed when they are introduced to new tools, programs, apps and so forth if the main focus is on the shifting to the new technology, rather than implementing the right technology. However, at Skjetten Primary School we all have one secret weapon: OneNote!