Voltron: Legendary Defender
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Voltron: Legendary Defender
Season 6From $9.99

Voltron: Legendary Defender
Season 5From $9.99

Voltron: Legendary Defender
Season 4From $9.99

Voltron: Legendary Defender
Season 3From $9.99

Voltron: Legendary Defender
Season 2From $14.99
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Five unsuspecting teenagers, transported from Earth into the middle of a sprawling intergalactic war, become pilots for five robotic lions in the battle to protect the universe from evil. Only through the true power of teamwork can they unite to form the mighty warrior known as Voltron: Legendary Defender.
The New Alliance
Season 1: Episode 1TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
A space explorer, previously thought lost in space, returns to Earth and joins four teenagers in a search for a giant alien robot lion
1. The New Alliance23 Min6/10/2016$2.99
From Days of Long Ago
Season 1: Episode 2TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
The Blue Lion delivers the team to an alien planet where they discover a mysterious castle. Inside, they awaken an alien princess who sends them on a mission to find the remaining lions.
2. From Days of Long Ago23 Min6/10/2016$2.99
Defenders of the Universe
Season 1: Episode 3TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
The Castle is attacked by an alien battle cruiser. The new Paladins must form Voltron for the first time in 10,000 years.
3. Defenders of the Universe23 Min6/10/2016$2.99
Some Assembly Required
Season 1: Episode 4TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Princess Allura puts the Paladins through a rigorous training program in hopes of putting aside their differences and working together as a team.
4. Some Assembly Required23 Min6/10/2016$2.99
Return of the Gladiator
Season 1: Episode 5TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
A Voltron-Sized Robot Beast attacks Planet Arus. While Voltron defends the innocent inhabitants, Shiro searches for answers about his lost time as a Galra captive.
5. Return of the Gladiator23 Min6/10/2016$2.99
The Fall of the Castle of Lions
Season 1: Episode 6TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
When a Galra Commander infiltrates the castle and destroys its power crystal, the team must protect Voltron from falling into the wrong hands.
6. The Fall of the Castle of Lions23 Min6/10/2016$2.99
Tears of Balmera
Season 1: Episode 7TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Hunk and Coran search for a new power crystal on a living planet inhabited by an alien race imprisoned by Zarkon. Back at the Castle, Pidge sabotages Sendak's efforts to steal Voltron.
7. Tears of Balmera23 Min6/10/2016$2.99
Taking Flight
Season 1: Episode 8TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Team Voltron responds to a distress call and stops to help a stranded band of freedom fighters on the run from Zarkon.
8. Taking Flight23 Min6/10/2016$2.99
Return to Balmera
Season 1: Episode 9TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
The Paladins attempt to liberate the inhabitants of the Balmera, but the arrival of a Galra battle cruiser puts the mission at risk.
9. Return to Balmera23 Min6/10/2016$2.99
Season 1: Episode 10TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
When a Galra monster descends upon the Balmera, Team Voltron must find a way to save the deteriorating living planet and its alien inhabitants.
10. Rebirth23 Min6/10/2016$2.99
Crystal Venom
Season 1: Episode 11TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
The Castle of Lions mysteriously turns against the Paladins, forcing Princess Allura to make a difficult sacrifice to save Team Voltron.
11. Crystal Venom23 Min6/10/2016$2.99
Collection and Extraction
Season 1: Episode 12TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Team Voltron infiltrates a hidden Galra Space Station to investigate why Zarkon is attacking planets and siphoning the life energy from the universe.
12. Collection and Extraction23 Min6/10/2016$2.99
The Black Paladin
Season 1: Episode 13TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Voltron charges toward Zarkon’s massive ship. When Shiro loses control of the Black Lion, the team must figure out a new way to defeat the Galra.
13. The Black Paladin23 Min6/10/2016$2.99
Lightning Round
Season 1: ExtraTV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
The DreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender cast answer rapid-fire questions.
Extra. Lightning Round1 Min7/23/2017Free
Season 1: ExtraTV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
The original creators of Voltron: Defender of the Universe Ted & Bob Koplar discuss how the 1980's series influenced DreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender.
Extra. Origins1 Min7/23/2017Free
Cast and crew
Additional information
English (CC)
Age rating
13 Episodes (5 H 2 Min)
Released year