Grandpa's Psycho
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Grandpa’s Psycho is a dark and gritty psychological thriller that explores one small town man's need to purify the world of sin, one sinner at a time. After a fight with her boyfriend, Kelly, a foul-mouthed you woman, is stuck in a small town and forced to have her car repaired at the local auto shop. It is here where she meets Murray, the seemingly kind owner of the shop who fixes the car despite Kelly’s abrasive attitude. When Kelly’s car breaks down again, and offers to provide certain “favors” for Murray to repair it again, Murray takes it upon himself to kidnap Kelly in the name of God to rid her of her evil. His medieval and brutal cleansing process directly contradicts the devotion he has for his granddaughter. Tension builds as we discover secrets surrounding the psychotic behavior of this quaint god fearing little town.

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Danny LeGare


Gravitas Ventures


English (CC)

Released year



1 h 29 min




Danny LeGare


5.07 GB (1080p HD)
2.39 GB (720p HD)
1.74 GB (SD)

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