Drake & Josh
Season 0 is currently not available.
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As Christmas approaches, we find Drake and Josh working at the mall as Santa and his helper. A sweet little girl asks Drake (as Santa) if he will give her family the best Christmas ever. Momentarily distracted, Drake promises he'll do it. Soon after, Drake hosts a holiday party that gets out of hand, leading to the unfair arrest and imprisonment of Josh. Drake doesn't learn the magnitude of his earlier promise to the little girl until she comes back to sadly explain what a difficult year it's been for her family at their foster home. Moved, Drake vows to keep his Christmas promise, but knows he can't do it without his brother, Josh. After a failed prison break attempt, Drake and Josh are brought before a judge who agrees to set the boys free─under one condition: If they don't give this little girl and her family the best Christmas ever, Drake and Josh will go back to jail for a very long time. Drake and Josh try hard to give this unruly group of kids a traditional Christmas (baking cookies, chopping down their own Christmas tree, caroling, etc.), but nothing goes right. To make matters worse, Drake and Josh must contend with a heartless parole officer who has no Christmas spirit and is intent on seeing the guys fail and return to prison. In the end, Drake and Josh's fate hangs on a Christmas morning vote from the foster kids, where they must decide if it truly was their best Christmas ever.


1. Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh
1 h 29 min

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1 episode (1 h 29 min)

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