Wasted! The Story of Food Waste
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In Wasted! The Story of Food Waste, directors Anna Chai and Nari Kye alongside narrator and producer Anthony Bourdain explore one of the world’s most critical yet underreported problems: food waste. One-third of all food produced is never eaten. In the United States, that rises to 40%. This waste costs some $1 trillion each year. As Mario Batali says in the film, “Waste is sinful, criminal, as well as financially foolish.”   After explaining the scope of the problem, Wasted! highlights some of the people working creatively to minimize waste. These range from high-end chefs like Dan Barber and Mario Batali who introduce their customers to new tastes and dishes – which encourages them to eat more of the food they purchase to pig farmers in Japan, who figured out that by feeding their animals more varied foods, they infuse them with a more exciting flavor palate for when they become pork. The Yoplait factory in Mulfreesboro, Tennessee even found a way to use the excess milk from its production to make methane, which is then used as a source of power for the factory! The film does not shy away from the costs of food waste. Over 90% of wasted food in the US ends up in landfills. That waste’s decomposition produces methane which, as an extremely potent greenhouse gas, contributes to global warming. To help prevent this buildup, the film suggests concrete actions the viewer can take to reduce their waste. Composting, for instance, is a great and easy way to minimize one’s contributions to landfills. With colorful illustrations and even more colorful interviews, Wasted! demonstrates just how widespread and urgent an issue food waste is. The many methods, recipes, and suggestions given by the film illustrate how, despite the enormity of the problem, the solutions are just as accessible as what’s in your kitchen.

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Anna Chai
Nari Kye




English (CC)

Released year



1 h 25 min




4.83 GB (1080p HD)
2.54 GB (720p HD)
1.43 GB (SD)

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