June 2023 update of Power Automate for desktop

We are happy to announce that the June 2023 update of Power Automate for desktop (version 2.33) has been released! You can download the latest release here.

Key features

New features and updates have been added, as described below.

Work queue actions have now been introduced (in preview)

Two new actions dedicated to work queuesProcess work queue items and Update work queue item – are now available in Power Automate for desktop in preview, allowing users to directly integrate the processing of work queue items in their desktop flows.

Note: these actions are not available for sovereign clouds yet.

Work queue actions

Using dedicated actions to process items of a work queue in Power Automate for desktop

OneDrive for Business connector actions have now been introduced

OneDrive for Business is the latest connector that comes down to Power Automate for desktop, with multiple operations now being available out of the box as native actions for desktop flows.

OneDrive for Business actions

Multiple operations of the connector OneDrive for Business are now available

Get started

Hoping that you will find the above updates useful, please feel free to provide your questions and feedback in the Power Automate Community. If you want to learn more about Power Automate Desktop, get started with the below resources: