Custom processing for invoice and document field types generally available

We’re thrilled to share that AI Builder’s latest capabilities allowing automated custom invoice processing and the extraction of dates and numerical field types from documents, are generally available. These enhancements aim to streamline the configuration of bespoke AI models for automated data extraction from invoices and to enhance the precision of processing in Power Automate for both structured and unstructured documents.

What are the benefits of Invoice Customization?

AI Builder is already equipped with a pre-configured AI model capable of extracting standard fields from invoices. This model is finely tuned to identify typical invoice components such as invoice ID, invoice date, amount due, and various other standard field types. If your invoices include custom fields beyond the standard ones, you’ll need to create a specialized Document Processing AI model and label a training dataset with sample documents. This process trains the AI model to identify and extract these extra fields.

Instead of starting from scratch and labeling every field for extraction, you can now opt to use an existing invoice model as your starting point:

Train a custom invoice model

Train a custom invoice model

This method allows you to efficiently extract standard invoice fields and simplifies the training phase, concentrating only on adding the extra fields required to develop your custom invoice processing model. Customers like Ashley Francis, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with The Francis Group practice in Seattle, are already benefiting from this new solution to transform traditional processes, increase efficiency, and save time.

“Finding out about all the things in the Power Platform has been amazing. Like this is technology that I didn’t even know existed. I want so much more time to learn everything on the Power Platform and AI because it can do so much for my profession.”

– Ashley Francis, Certified Public Accountant, The Francis Group

Read the full story: Certified Public Accountant transforms accounting processes using Power Automate 

What are the benefits of Document field types?

In an end-to-end workflow for document processing, it’s crucial to extract not just the field’s name and value but also its type and format (such as a number, date, checkbox, table, or text field). The newly introduced typed fields feature enables the extraction of fields identified as numbers and dates, allowing you to specify their anticipated format while training a custom document processing model. This enhancement aids in standardizing the output of document processing and boosts the precision of document extraction performance.

Define Document Field Types during the training process.

Define Document Field Types during the training process.

Get started with invoice customization and field types

Leverage these additional resources to learn more about these new document processing features: