Power Automate + Adaptive Cards introduces business form scenarios on Microsoft Teams

The Power Automate Team is pleased to introduce the second iteration of Adaptive Cards actions which enable you to post adaptive cards as forms, and also to wait for a response which you can use dynamically in subsequent actions. This is definitely one of my favorite features, as it enables flow-makers not only to update Microsoft Teams members and channels with relevant information, but also to request data from participants at any point in the process. This is part of our initiative to optimize Adaptive Cards across all Microsoft cloud subscriptions.

Adaptive Cards now simplify both display and input scenarios, enabling you to focus on the data and/or process point-in-time, and removing the need to design a custom user interface. Start with any connector, and easily share and collect data across services with minimum effort:

Post adaptive cards to Teams member activity feeds and chats:

  • Post your own adaptive card as a flow bot to the user
  • Post your own adaptive card as a flow bot to the user, and wait for a response

Post adaptive cards to Teams channels:

  • Post our own adaptive card as a flow bot to a channel
  • Post our own adaptive card as a flow bot to a channel, and wait for a response

To help you to get started with these new ‘wait for a response’ actions, we have outlined everything you need to know @ https://aka.ms/AdaptiveCardsforPowerAutomate
What’s coming next?

We are definitely not done adding value in this area. Behind the scenes we’ve been working on an embedded Adaptive Card designer experience within Power Automate to expedite card design and customization. A sneak peak of the embedded experience is available within our experimental features so that you can try it out, and give us feedback. We are looking forward to your feedback as we prioritize the work for our next iteration.


Features Introduction Video

We’re looking forward to hearing what you think of the newest actions, and the experimental embedded designer. Please post your thoughts in the Ideas Forum with the tags/labels of “Adaptive Cards” so I won’t miss them!