Governing Your Digital Transformation with the Power Platform

As organizations accelerate their digital transformation, the need to rapidly create applications is increasing.. The Microsoft Power Platform has emerged as a leading low-code development platform which enables developers of all backgrounds and skill levels to participate in the organization’s digital journey. Over 97% of the Fortune 500 benefit from the Power Platform’s ease of use, wide set of feature, and expansive governance capabilities which ensure that an organization’s digital transformation adheres to its protocols. As adoption of low-code application development methods evolve and in many enterprises become the de-facto application platform, the need to govern the creation of new applications becomes increasingly important.
The Power Platform is built on a firm foundation of governance. Our colleagues on the Microsoft Mechanics team were keen to learn more about how the Power Platform helps admins govern these low code application environments. To this end, Jeremey Chapman recently interviewed Julie Strauss, Director of the Power Platform Administration and Governance team. Check out the interview where Julie highlights the following governance capabilities available with the Power Platform:

• rich analytics capabilities in the Power Platform admin center
• custom dashboards built with the Power Platform Center of Excellence Starter Kit
• layers of security
o tenant level
o user level
o how to set up an environment
o data access controls with the common data service
o data loss prevention policies.

Take a view minutes and check out the full video.


Video 1.  Microsoft Mechanics video on Power Platform Governance


Go Deeper on Power Platform Governance

You can go deeper on the Power Platform governance capabilities by checking out our recent sessions at the Microsoft Business Applications Virtual Summit:


Also, for a great technical deep dive into Power Platform governance, check out our recently updated whitepaper.  To get more details on the concepts that Julie discussed in her Mechanics interview, check out our documentation on Power Platform governance considerations.

Join Our Community and Get Started Today

Join the growing Power Platform Community so you can get the latest updates, join discussions and get ideas on how the Power Platform can help your organization.  Also, be sure to check out the Power Platform Center of Excellence Starter Kit to learn how you can expand and customize your Power Platform governance capabilities.

Also, check out these other great Microsoft Mechanics videos featuring the Power Platform: