Power Apps portals: Edit portal with Power Platform VS Code Extension (public preview)

The VS Code extension for portals adds the capability to configure portals using VS Code and utilize the built-in Liquid language IntelliSense enabling help with code completion, assistance and hinting while customizing portals interface using VS Code.

Preview capabilities

The feature provides the following capabilities during this public preview:

  • Power Apps CLI support from VS Code terminal
  • Portal’s file icon theme
  • Autocomplete support

How to get started?

You can install Power Platform Tools from VS Code marketplace.

Or you can install in your VS Code via the Extensions activity pane (search for “Power Platform Tools”). This is currently supported for Windows and macOS (with .NET Core 5.x)

Once you have Power Platform Tools installed, you can use Portals commands to download portal customization and use this extension for edit files.

Power Apps CLI support from VS Code terminal

Installing this extension will also make the latest Power Platform CLI (aka pac) available in your VS Code terminal. So, developers can directly use Portals commands (i.e. paportal) for download and upload portal changes directly from VS Code terminal.

Portal’s file icon theme

The VS Code extension for portals automatically identifies and shows icons for files and folders inside the

Autocomplete support

Power Platform VS Code Extension understand portals syntax and support autocomplete. This works for few selected scenarios, and we will be adding the support for more in upcoming releases. 
Tip: Turn on Auto Save with the “File > Auto Save” toggle, to make sure autocomplete functionality work seamlessly.

We are looking forward to your feedback as we march towards GA

Your feedback will help us continue to build on and improve the capabilities of this feature. We want to hear from you!

See documentation here for detailed overview.

Thank you,
Neeraj Nandwana